Behind Blue Eyes part 13: The Sea Elves and their Shark God

As the party journeyed northward along the Dagger Sea, they came upon a seaside village built on stilts, just out of the water line. The people had an elvish aspect, but with silver-green skin and hair that reminded the party of seaweed.

There were no men present, just women and children. Despite their near-elvish appearance, they spoke only the common tongue of Westrun. The women invited the party to stay and wait for the return of their men, that they might be properly feasted. Their leader Shoren the Elder was shortly to return from fishing.

A novice wizard, recently joined to the party inquired as to any magic users thereabouts and was told that the village boasted a powerful cave-witch who might serve his need. The wizard took two companions and set off to find her. The rest of the party remained behind and explored, while watching the children at play.

Conag of the Hill People took particular note of a building in the center of the village, which was more ornate than the rest, and studied the carvings upon its pillars. As he studied he found himself ill at ease. Most of the carvings boasted a strangely crowned bipedal shark making many victims of what appeared to be men and women. Inquiring of the children revealed that this was the temple of their shark god.

Meanwhile, Beatrin the witch was evil and meant harm to the wizard and his companions. They slew her and beat a retreat to the village. They rejoined the party just in time to spy the men returning from the sea with their day's catch -- live dolphins. Soon a battle was joined and the village was burned.

The party took shelter from a storm in the witches cave. At the back of the cave, they discovered a secret door and strong emanations of magic. They explored further and discovered a lair occupied by a creature resembling the shark god of the village. This is Dontu the Fearsome! Their edged and pointed weapons had no effect on the strange crystalline skin of the shark god. It was then that the fledgling wizard proved his worth, against all odds, and sent the beast away.

The party rested and resumed their journey north toward the Tribe of the Boldish.

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