After seeing to the revivification of Apollo and the repatriation of his sword, armor and shield from the lying Baron Notfelde; the party's early morning was interrupted by the arrival of two people. One was a priest, Fr. Kapon, newly sent from the Prefect of Rath to be the Shepherd of the Church of Beredall; and the other was Deathstroke, a half-orc knight of some reknown.
Briefly: In Beredia and Beredall a House-breaker Haunts
from his lordship's faithful factor,
Creaf Bloodshone
to all the citizens and serfs of Beredia
including the merchants, tradesmen and yeomen of Beredall.
Be it known by you that a house-breaker haunts the good homes of honest men and steals away by night the greatest of their most precious and prized possessions.
Be it also known, that his lordship,
Baron Nils Notfelde of the House Notfelde-in-Rath
will handsomely reward those who capture said house-breaker and bring him to taste the baron's justice.
Be it likewise known that any who aid in this endeavor will gain the friendship of the baron in perpetuity and that whosoever opposes will earn lasting enmity.
Along with the enormity of his good graces, his lordship will likewise reward all who deserve it, with the kingly sum of,
2000 gold crowns, in cash or writs.
The Knights of Daleria Part 3: The Duel
After many days of felling trees and building a place for the contest, the day of the duel is upon them all. Fenris and a new acquiantance, Erik the Ranger, accompany the paladin, Sir Apollo to the tournament field of Baron Notfelde. The rest of the party remains behind at the Church of Beredall.
The Knights of Daleria Part 2: Lord Notfelde
The Patriarch of the Church of Westrun is rescued from the clutches of the evil Lord Leopold. And he informs the party that he has completed his penitential walkabout of the Eight Kingdoms. He has concluded that a dark evil stalks the land and has infected even the houses of the holy.
The Knights of Daleria Part 1: The Lordly Sir Leopold
The Patriarch has not returned. Father Patrick and the Cardinal Prefects are concerned. His last destination was to go beguile Lord Leopold, a Paladin of reknown from retirement, but the Patriarch did not return. Now the Cardinal Prefects would like the party to find out what became of him.