This blog exists as a partial, but hopefully ever more complete, record of the events that occurred whenever a certain group of people, playing a certain home-brewed modification of a certain game, got together. That group has had varying and multi-generational membership. It has been meeting since 1981 and included my very concerned mother as my first player (though she played only that once). As I said, this blog is but a partial record. I hope I still have more years ahead of me than I have left behind. If that is the case, faithful recourse to this blog will mean that it will eventually become most of the things that ever happened, when that group played that game.
"Remember the time, we..." is a way a lot of my conversations seem to start. Even someone I haven't seen in five or ten or twenty years will enthusiastically remember some adventure they were on and something one of my NPC's said or did, or some heroic death or circumstances one of their PCs endured. I used to smile and nod and feign the recollection while asking myself, "Why don't I remember ANY of that?" I guess it goes to show that what my players take from my game is something different than what I do, as "referee".
I see a grand tapestry that I have been working on for a very long time. There are plots and subplots and intrigues and narratives and they all serve a greater, grand design. I don't know why I do this or why it brings me joy, but it does. Joy, not happiness, mind you. Sometimes my Joy means bleary eyes and sleepless nights. I try to remind myself that ultimately none of this stuff matters, but sometimes I wonder if it does on a level I haven't apprehended, yet. Some guys have a more respectable hobby -- trains or something. Sometimes I wish I did. I don't.
Anyhoo, the posts here are divided into two types. There are those that are a simple narrative and occur "on the table" or in character, and those that handle bookkeeping and occur "off the table" or out of character. If you have stumbled upon this site and want to read more about Erenth, the "world" that all of this occurs in, look for a link in the right column for Campaign Guide.
In addition to the posts here and to the Campaign Guide (which itself is always subject to completion, expansion, revision and addendum) there is a link on the right to the Scholarship of Erenth. That is just information that I have written "in character" for players to use at various points in the last decades. It is material that provides depth and makes our game seem more real... I think. I used to keep it all for my own use, but since this game required reams of paperwork, I started archiving it on line about five years ago in html -- bad plan. It is here now -- better plan. It may be somewhere else in the future -- best plan. At any rate, many of those things that start in the Scholarship portion will sometimes migrate to the Guide in some other, more finished format.
I have added to the sidebar a number of other resources that I have shamelessly used and pillaged and been inspired by. I thought you (my players) might benefit from them or be entertained by them, too.
Lastly, I have imported those first iterations of "Scrolls" you kept asking me to pick up again. Don't make me regret it by not visibly using this place and giving me YOUR submissions for Quote of the Day, and such. You will find the labels to help players and characters cross index where they have been and what they have been doing. If this doesn't work, as always, I am open to change.
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