While it is not impossible to be a rogue in the Eight Kingdoms without Guild sponsorship, it is quite difficult. This fact did not escape Thalwyn who sought out the sponsorship for training, nor did it escape the notice of the Halfling Sheckleford, who joined merely to avoid unnecessary harrassment.
Nearest one Guild Hall and gambling den, aptly named the Heartbreak Hotel, the party sought repast in the newest tavern in town – The Roasting Pig. The Pig is said to serve savory swine meats that have been spiced, rubbed and sauced to perfection. The proprieter, “Pig” Tucker, has developed quite a loyal patronage. Unfortunately, he also has developed a reputation for being an inveterate gambler. As many of his kind do, he ran afoul of the Guild and its sometimes exorbitant lending policies. Pig hired the party to help him erase his enormous debt. In return he promised each of them room and board for life, the use of a small corner of his property outside of town for a forge, plus the exclusive use of his newly renovated backroom which he renamed, “Pig’s Heart”.
The party, convinced that the debt holders are acting outside of their guild given jurisdiction, agreed to intercede. After a week of waiting, two Slayers showed up to collect the vigorish on “Pigs” debt. They arrive in the tavern, flipping tables and making threats. A brief battle ensued and the Slayers were taken prisoner. They explained that they work for a senior guildsman of Brambleton named Gris and that they are responsible for collecting nearly 1100 crowns of weekly debt, of which they are entitled to 10%. They were held captive for another few days, while the party exhausted its Guild contacts in Bolden.
After conferring with a Guildsman in Bolden, the Party (minus Thalwyn who remains behind to train) set out for Brambleton, where the debt holder is believed to reside. Enroute to Brambleton the party was plagued by theivery and road agents. They also met a seller of strange wares. The seller provides the party with a Magic Bean for the sum of 30 crowns, but that product proved to be cursed and cost them the life of their newest party member: Peaches Hackenslash.
At the end of the journey the unlikely pair find themselves in Brambleton to look for the Guilded man harrassing their newest friend “Pig”.
Quote of the Day: “...And I love it!”
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