From the Geographic Records of the High King...
From Rand, Cartographer to the High King, to his Royal Highness, Lord of Bolden and Ruler of the Eight Kingdoms.
Mindful of your magnificent charge to map the known worlds, I traveled to the little known hamlet of Forestal in Talir. There I made the acquaintance of several strangers as together we sought shelter from a storm. I regret to inform you that several of my scrolls were damaged by the relentless weather, but know you will be pleased to hear that I escaped with my health.
The town of Forestal and its environs has proven to be every bit as difficult to graph as it was rumored to be. Apparently the citizens of this town distrust visitors and treat them unkindly. Fortunately, I had the aid of the strangers I mentioned to keep me safe. Unbeknownst to them, I stole away in their company using the trinket you gave me.
While this tale has little bearing on my role of mapmaker, I thought that your Highness should learn of the strange things which befell us. From my various perches I learned that Forestal is a nexus between the Many Worlds and a portal to even to the far reaches of Erenes.
The strangers and I found ourselves drifting in the clouds between worlds and landing in the domain of one who calls herself the Prism Cat. There in that domain, they solved the mystery of the moving forest, answered the silent riddle of the skeletal guardian, braved the wandering beasts, avoided the flapping guardsmen, and faced all twenty challenges put to them in the form of tricks and treats.
I watched their progress from the trees, and having learned by their great successes and failures, resolved to pass the challenges as I might. I am now the proud owner of a new set of boots, a cloak, a magnificent ring, a dagger, a sword, some arrows and a fine leather sack.
So it is that I tender my resignation to you and send with it the maps I have completed. I know that your anger with my decision will be great, but I suspect that I shall pass unnoticed through Bolden and onto better things.
Quote of the Day:
“Hey, do you think the Prism Cat can do anything for my looks?"
"No, there is only so much magic.”
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