As the Adept of Ziek the Wizard I have had the occassion to hear many of his late night tales. Those he volunteers on his own after a few cups of wine, those he shares in the laughing company of visitors from around Erenth, and those I've gleaned from his tattered scrapes of verses and old correspondences. I have put together the stories that follow from all those sources. I do not claim them to be wholly accurate in every detail, but they are best going, as I was able to discover them.
Ezekiel Vender was born to Thomas and Marilyn Vender in the year 5784. Thomas and Marilyn raised the staple crops of the fields of Bolden, but were more widely known as purveyors of certain rare herbs in demand by wizards and apothecaries. This life brought a middling income. As a respectable and religious farmer, Ezekiel's father was strict. He also spent all the poor family could spare, and then some, to see to the boy's education. When the boy was old enough, asked the Friar, and old friend named Paxel, to tutor his son and to take him as an Acolyte.
Paxel had much to offer a farmer's son. He was a veteran of goblin campaigns in his youth and these stirred the lads imagination as theology could not. In between other studies, the boy learned to speak both the language of Elves and the Fell Speech of the goblin hordes. Three years into his studies and just before taking priestly vows, Ezekiel returned home from the abbey to find that his parent's had been murdered. He buried them, renounced his life in the abbey and set out to find a new life. He sold off the homestead and the crops in the field and made his way to Peakshadow, City of the High King.
In Peakshadow his ability to read and write put him in good stead as a translator. His knowledge even sent him to sea on some occasions. In far off lands, he learned to speak Khardish and the tongue of old Barasa, as well as that of Sushao -- the language of the East. His travels meant that he learned all of these from their native speakers. In Peakshadow itself, he found himself translating work for Evard, a visiting wizard of some note and a luminary magister of Haven.
Evard is still not known for his generous spirit, but he took a liking to the boy and made him one of his Adepts. Upon returning to Evard's tower in Collonia, Ziek learned twice as fast as his fellow students and graduated the initial course at the same time they did, irrespective of their three year head start. Nonetheless, the old Wanderlust took hold of him, and against Evard's concerns left the life of a fledgling wizard and scholar in residence. Looking to experience the world more, and develop his magical abilities more practically, Ziek returned to Paxel (who was now an old hermit) and his roots in Bolden. At the hermitage of his old friend and mentor he fell in with a Paladin, a Druid, and Bard and his adventures began in earnest.
Ziek made something of a name for himself in and around Bolden before winter came in earnest. Then chartering a ship and making for the Southrun port of Istada, he managed to return to some of the warmer climes he had known in his youth. Hearing tales of daring and glory, he left the walls of the city behind and with a large half-goblin with whom he could communicate, set out for treasure and adventure. It was not long before the two of them fell against a Horde scouting party and, faring poorly, were taken prisoner. Bundled like so much baggage, they found themselves heading ever Eastward toward the Goblin Kingdoms, to work as marsh slaves.
After many days reluctant travel, Ziek's language facility was discovered by his captors. He was then sold by his captors to another Horde's Chieftain to serve as a major domo. He did this for several weeks, before finally managing to kill the Chieftain and flee. This was was short-lived, however, as he was captured by another Horde and held until he could make his escape, yet again. His next captor was a giant, but Ziek slipped his cave and once more found himself free.
Finally, after learning to move according to the activity cycle of the preponderance of the denizens of an area, and after learning what those were, Ziek came to the Seas of Certain Death and curious Ziggurat on a narrow spit of land that jutted into it. There he observed goblins coming and going from the base of the Ziggurat and being organized into ranks and columns. A brilliant light showed itself at the top of the Ziggurat and then a large red humanoid figure with a serpentine tail and bat like wings appeared. The goblins began to chant praises in their Fell Speech. Ziek had seen enough and fled toward the safety of the Southern Marches of Balduren.
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