Apollo found himself, along with the rest of his companions, in and around the City of Peakshadow, as the mighty horde of goblins besieged it. Many sorties were fought and there were many distractions of war, with heroes from around the realm flocking to the banner of humanity. This included the entire Peerage that Apollo sought to join, which brought itself to Wanderhalt to protect the women therein. So it was that, in the shadow of the salvaged city, Lunsford of Saklan released Apollo from his quest and declared it well-accomplished, thereby granting to him the authority to turn undead.
Then Halpert of Westrun stepped forward and challenged, "Now, you must find someone who is neither living nor dead, and speed them to the rest that they are due."
With this admonition ringing in his ears, Apollo joined a movement of his fellows Westward and found himself in a curious ziggurat they would later learn is called the Citadel. As the storied headquarters of the Archmage of Erenth, it is the guild house of all the world's wizards. Once there, the adventurers discovered why Evard and the rest of the magisters of renown had not been heard from in some time. For in a council chamber deep within the Citadel, they found the great wizards immobilized by some unknown magic. Each of them locked in place while debating some motion and tallying some vote.
While his companions busied themselves with freeing the magisters, Apollo entered a strange room and faced his fate alone. For within that room he found himself in a succession of chambers. Each one locked by a riddle or challenge issued by a previous Archmage. One by one, he began to contemplate the matters before him.
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