There are two ways into Westrun from the Goblin Kingdoms. To traverse the Southern Marches, a traveler must make his way through a narrow mountain pass, while skirting the domain of the Dwarves of Festog, and then cross the veritable sea of grass before coming to Balduren, city of the Horse Lords. Whereas, the Northern Marches will take a traveler toward Wanderhalt via rolling hills and forest groves. The way is plainer but there is always the risk of running afoul of the wild Elves of the Darkwood.
Ziek chose the Southern way as he sped afoot toward safety.
His time in and among the goblins had taught him that they feared few and respected even fewer. Even their foul deity and his demigods commanded little respect in their eyes. Their chieftains rose quickly to prominence and were just as quickly put down -- for in-fighting, regicide, and constant challenges plagued the hordes. Despite that, there were two superstitions they long held in awe.
One, the ziggurat he had discovered, was a place of sacrifice and pilgrimage for the hordes. It was a touchstone to dark forces and they universally feared its might, but only for a distance. Ziek learned that no goblin would fight within a days journey of it. Newly minted chieftains often sent sacrifices to be made upon its blood red steps.
Two, some strange curse that the goblins called the Grey Death stalked the hordes. It was feared because it was always lethal and yet still unknown. Rumors abounded that it was a disease, still others claimed it was an invisible predator of great power. Regardless, blood-soaked grass and decomposing bodies were all that remained of its victims. By the hated light of day, or the comforting dark of night, no goblin felt safe. The curse struck suddenly and laid waste to groups in a matter of hours, often even defiling the coarse grass or rocky sand about the corpses.
On his last day of travel before entering the Southern Marches, Ziek was seized by the Grey Death and discovered its true nature. The Grey Death were the avenging sons of Brilandere -- an Elven Queen from ages past. Upon their winged steeds they visited their vengeance upon their mother's enemies -- without mercy or quarter. Their long lives were dedicated to the eradicating as many of the goblins as they might, by whatever means they could muster. Masters of fighting and spellcraft, they had each killed their thousands, but key to their survival was the secrecy with which they operated.
Some among the seven sons of Brilandere were tired of war and had long considered returning to the forest home that they had abandoned in their youth. Others were resolute about remaining to continue their bloody work. About Ziek they were conflicted. Some thought he should be killed to protect their secret. Others felt that the first part of regaining their civilized nature would be to let him go. Their debate waged on and it was the youngest of the sons who finally freed him.
When Ziek finally left the Goblin Kingdoms there were few in Erenth who could match his knowledge and experience, except perhaps Gilderspine. He eventually fell in with Mai Fung Lee and Quin Rhal, along with the ranger sisters, Ivey and Evista. His travels with them are told elsewhere.
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