After reuniting with the caravan and curing the hobbled pony, the party sent the caravan on alone while they investigated a massive footprint of a humanoid which they estimated to have been over one hundred feet tall. The trail of said humanoid, while very old, went into the sparse forest and perhaps accounted some strange features they saw from the air.
While on reconnoiter, the party also discovered an old hill-and-palisade fort nearly overtaken by the forest. The fort was not abandoned but filled with a horde of the loathsome bakemono. When the party arrived, two Eastrun peasants (humans) were being forced to fight for the bakemono's entertainment. The party swooped down and slew the bakemono chieftain, creating enough chaos to allow their captive humans to escape.
They then proceeded to cover their escape and investigate the strange forest features they'd seen from the air. Deep in the wood, they discovered a gargantuan humanoid, long dead and nearly subsumed by the forest floor. Only bones and desiccated flesh remained.
There, living among the bones, they discovered a secretive hermit. He claimed to be an apostate of a nearby monastery which hosted the Orange Order of the Skeleton Way. Their mission, he claimed, was to guard the only passage out of the valley and to seek enlightenment while doing so.
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