The Terror South

An excerpt from the Tale of Five Terrors
as told by Will of Jaehn.

After traveling 22 days the party comes to the point at which the southern servant to Bouzir says the party should make contact with the Terror in 6 hours time.

Bouzir the Hunter from Southrun orders one of his servants to set up his tent and orders another servant to scout the vicinity, Brumbar takes to the air on his flying carpet to do likewise. After some moments Brumbar noticed that Zimzair was crouched low on the crest of a hill and appeared to be trying not to be seen by what was on the other side. Flying overhead, Brumbar saw the source of Zimzair's agitation. A slaughtered merchant caravan, not an uncommon sight in the lands of the Daizu. The party is alerted and soon the scene is surveyed. Daizu arrow shafts are found in abundance in the corpses of the Barasin merchants. It is gleaned that the merchants were carrying spices and exotic foodstuffs along with a very, very large elephant peculiar to Southrun. The elf wizard/warrior Snow, after much cajoling from the party, relents and casts detect magic. He finds a magical parchment that shows true North.

Zimzair the tracker says that the Daizu left an hour before the discovery of the scene and headed North. The party follows the Daizu tracks for some hours till their trail ends at the sight of their violent demise. Some 60 to 70 Daizu corpses along with the carcass of the elephant are found. Their wounds bear the signature of the Terror. It's trail leads to an odd formation of very large rocks jutting from the plains into a cave entrance.

Snow the elf  immediately and unhesitantly volunteers to scout the rock formation. Spying from atop the rock formation he sees with his dark vision that 30 from the entrance into the rock formation lies a pit and a passage leading off. The Terror cannot be seen. The party confers on its next course of action.

None of the options are palatable. But then Bouzir the hunter offers that he has a large quantity of black sand that should create a powerful explosion, causing a cave-in and maybe killing the Terror. Brumbar wants to be sure. He takes the black sand and his suddenly awfully pale Squire Jestis on his flying carpet and down into the pit. Knowing that the carpet makes no sound, he figures that surprise will give them the edge that they need. Jestis, carrying the blacksand satchel in one hand and a torch in the other, descends into the pit with Brumbar. Then suddenly, with a voice that might as well have been 10,000 trumpets, Bouzir the Hunter, with his head peering over the pit says, "You're very brave for going down there! I would not do this, may the 10,000 gods bless your endeavor."

Brumbar shoots him a look and puts his finger to his lips.

Bouzir replies, "Oh, sorry!"

At the bottom of the pit, Brumbar peers down the passageway. A smile comes to his face as he thinks of his uncle Reynard. The passageway from the pit leads into a maze, but the Terror is a hulking creature and is quite cramped in the passage. It's blood and carapace leave a trail easy enough to follow.

The party waits somewhat near the cave entrance. They have been waiting an hour when an exasperated Snow remarks, "I can't believe those idiots went in there. I would have gone in, but I twisted my ankle or something when I climbed those rocks."

From behind Bouzir asks, "Snow, this Terror... is it 10 to 14 feet tall with large claws, black glossy skin, very large nasty-looking horns with a razor-sharp tail which whips back and forth?"

Snow rubs his head. "It's behind us, right?"

"Oh yes. Very much so. It looks pissed."

Snow turns to give the Terror a look. "No, I'm pretty sure they always look that way. Its coming this way."

"Shall we fight it here?" asks Bouzir, as he draws his scimitar.

Snow gives an incredulous look and yells, "Everybody run into the pit!"

It's a 30-foot tumble to the bottom of the pit. Hannah the Silent and Jym the Page both sprain their ankles in the fall. Snow grabs Hannah the Silent while Zimzair and Bouzir grab Jym the Page and make their way into the maze. Soon after, they hear the crash of the Terror into the pit, as it also makes its way into the maze.

For some time the party makes its way through the dark until their way is blocked. The Terror rounds an unseen corner, so running away is not possible with the disabled party members. Shepherd Brendan and Sister Hannah begin their prayers as Snow and Bouzir draw their weapons. 

It would seem that the Terror should be at a disadvantage in the passageway, but strangely, it is not. Bouzir the Hunter from Southrun, his fine chainmail rent, knows he will die soon. Snow's many sword strokes cut deep. Time after time they slash, but the creature still lives. Then suddenly, the creature gives an enraged screech and Snow's elvish ears hear Brumbar swearing an oath from behind the creature. A few more seconds and it's over.

Standing over the creature's remains, Bouzir remarks, "This was my last hunt."

"There are two more!" protested Brumbar. "Many innocents will die! We need your help!"

Bouzir takes a deep breath and replies, "I spoke hastily, Westruner. This will not be my last hunt. I am with you."

From out of the darkness came a voice that said, "I also am with you."

Stepping into the torchlight came Lada -- a being not from our world. She spoke many things to our open ears, and within a few hours, we were made to know that Bob was now the least of our problems.

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