The Satrap leaned back and swirled his steaming black wine in its golden bowl. "So you say."
Brumbar nodded.
The Satrap put his drink down and leaned forward, "I cannot admit that your arrival in Bylos has been greatly welcomed. Your party dines in my house, it is welcomed in my court, and yet my vizier is dead and my sister will not speak to me. My people have a saying, 'The sand of the desert is seldom welcome indoors.' "
Brumbar looked at Snow and quietly muttered, "Wait, are we the sand?"
The Satrap looked around the room and shifted in his seat as if to peer behind the adventurers. "Two of you there are, but there were four when you went below. Where are the brave men I leant you for this task?"
The courtiers of the Satrap murmured amongst themselves. Snow and Brumbar exchanged glances. It was Snow's turn to speak.
"Your Grandeur," he began, "Your men fought well and bravely, a true credit to your name."
"And..." the Satrap motioned as if pulling the truth from the elf warrior.
"Your men were strong your name was on their lips as they..."
Brumbar interrupted. "Your men are dead."
The court gasped. The Satrap leaned back in his chair as if slapped. Brumbar continued, "Their heads were smashed into jelly by some statues that this stone bitch animated."
Snow placed a hand on his friend's shoulder and stepped forward, "Brumbar speaks truly, but roughly, your grandeur..."
"No more words," the Satrap thundered. "I grow tired of you and your friends." The nobleman held their gaze for several minutes and then looked around where the others were waiting.
The court fell as quiet as the tomb had been. One by one the men of Brumbar and Snow's company separated themselves from the nobles and gentry of the court and went to stand next to their companions. It was Brendan, Thrall, Rydak and Brock that pushed their way through the assembly. They all looked odd together. Brumbar and Snow were covered with dirt and blood and dressed in armor with weapons hanging at their sides. The rest of the party, which had lived in luxury for a week, looked bathed and perfumed.
Brumbar shrugged, "There was a dragon also..."
The Satrap's eyes narrowed and his mouth opened to speak, but just then the ground shook and a great rumble of thunder was heard. It lasted for several seconds and then from outside the palace a great shout went up.
The Satrap was first across the hall and to the portico overlooking the courtyard. The rest of his court, adventurers included, packed in behind him. They all witnessed the devastation together.
A great cloud of dust was still settling and where the west wall of Bylos once stood, there was now only a pile of stone rubble. An impression in the ground meant that something below ground had collapsed.
"That would be your black sand," Brumbar said quietly.
The Satrap wrapped his hands around the rail of his balcony and his knuckles turned white with the pressure.
"How soon today can you and your men leave?" he asked through clenched teeth.
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