Once ashore in what would one day be called the Provinces, the party encountered giants who were scared off by Aya the wizard flinging fireballs. One of the Northrun sailors, is so impressed by her that he pledges his life to protect her.
The party climbed the nearby hills to find themselves in a plateau covered with giant sheep and a cave network of the giantkind.They snuck into the cave network and finding a back door, made their way further up the mountain. They are purposing to meet Peter Heimos, the blue-eyed man.
It is several days climb. After encountering bears, wolves and yeti; the adventurers find a primitive encampment and the man they seek living among them. He notes that someone in the party has plucked out their eye and replaced it with the ruby stone, one set in amber.
He explains that the party must come with him to the site where the star will fall from the sky. He explains that his companions (and himself) will be cast to Erenth there and embark on a thousand years of messing about in the world. They will come to be called "gods" and they will bring no end of misery and death to humanity.
The party demures and asks for one year to go out and become more powerful on their return. Heimoss seems angry and disappears. He returns a few minutes later and explains that he has seen the future and that only one of the party will still be alive in a year... Dame Carma. The rest he explains will die, and one will not even live to get off the mountain.
The party is vehement and leaves Heimos, deciding to go down by another way to avoid the giants. They encounter wyvern nests and yeti tracks and go back up the mountain in order to come down by still another route.
On the second attempt descent they come a wide picturesque valley with strange massive structures in the middle of it. After quickly encountering trolls, ogres, worgs and giants in no short supply, the party flees.
Tathlan uses his magical portal to take the entire party to the tower of his master Falerian in the Greywood.
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