The Knights of Daleria Part 6: The Black Hasard
The Hasards are a noble line that goes back twenty generations or more, to the very founding of the Eight Kingdoms. A petty noble, second-cousin to the head of the house, Billings Hasard is known as the Black Hasard. It is his dismal sigil which the party discovers in the recovered papers of the late Baron Leopold.
The Knights of Daleria Part 5: The Temple on the Edge of All Morrows
With Lord Notfelde's goblin host defeated, only a skeleton crew remained behind to defend his manor. The party approached his enclave from three directions. After infiltrating and putting to flight the 25 humans guarding Notfelde's Manor (and making allies of one of them), the party entered into the basement complex beneath his keep. There, the party found a strange room with a pedestal in its center. Atop of the pedestal was a shimmering blue light. The Hedge Wizard Talanth tells the party that he thinks it is a dimensional portal. The first three, and eventually the rest of the party step through the portal and find themselves on the other side.