With Lord Notfelde's goblin host defeated, only a skeleton crew remained behind to defend his manor. The party approached his enclave from three directions. After infiltrating and putting to flight the 25 humans guarding Notfelde's Manor (and making allies of one of them), the party entered into the basement complex beneath his keep. There, the party found a strange room with a pedestal in its center. Atop of the pedestal was a shimmering blue light. The Hedge Wizard Talanth tells the party that he thinks it is a dimensional portal. The first three, and eventually the rest of the party step through the portal and find themselves on the other side.
It is an other-worldly hall of rooms, made of some strange seamless metal. All is lit by a strange red-orange glow... neither day, nor night. Once coming through the portal, there seems to be no way back. A hall lies ahead. It is guarded by 4 living statues, their faces are twisted in agony. The beings relentlessly attack and are finally dispatched by the concerted efforts of Apollo, Aaron and Friar Thaddeus; but not before Aaron was slain.
In the final room, the three find Notfelde and his castellan waiting. A battle ensues and Notfelde is killed by Apollo. His castellan surrenders. The party examines the room and tries to find a way home. They are joined by the latecomers, Late Snow, Late Mara, Late Conag, and Late Tathlan.
The final room boasted led the party before a giant door and revealed a key to open it. But opening the portal revealed a variety of destinations, each less hospitable than the first. At last, a familiar alleyway is revealed and the party steps through to find themselves back in Peakshadow: City of the High King.
From there, they regroup with the Patriarch in the Grand Cathedral and make ready to located the next of the Knights of Daleria.
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