Rath is the capital city of the Kingdom of the same name. The party arrived there to resolve the claim of Hakon of Sewendia who wanted to be recognized as the regent of that province. With that in mind, the party split to find lodging and to press toward the city's center, hoping for an audience at court of King Larcus.
It was Sir Apollo using his paladin's faculties that attracted the attention of a local woman. She claimed that her youngest son had run off in search of his wayward dog. The younger son was followed by his older brothers, each looking for his missing siblings in turn. The woman described her son and hesitantly gave their names before adding that she hoped they had not gone into the old graveyard.
The old graveyard used to be just outside of Rath but the city grew, overtaking the crypts and graves. Now it sits in the seediest part of town. The burial plots themselves are overgrown with high weeds and small trees which make the area hard to see through -- no one buried there apparently has any family to tend to the graves.
As the party approached there were catcalls from slatterns and hard looks from surly men. The adventurers noted a low iron fence wrapped around the graveyard and a boy standing outside its gate. The boy agreed to take the party to where he claimed his brothers fell into an open grave.
Once inside the graveyard, however, the party was attacked by a gang of ruffians, including the woman who first asked for help. The criminals were fairly easily dispatched, but the party did discover an open grave, and after some exploration of it, what appeared to be a half-buried set of arches that could lead to an adventure beyond.
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