From the Scrolls of the Church in Peakshadow...
I Bartleby, priest and scribe, write this tale with my own hand that you may know it is true and may trust the words herein. All of this took place before the dark times we know, when the Church was still young.
In those days there came a rogue of the elder races, who was connected to the darkest elements of the known cities, but who could not tell a lie. The Prefects of Bolden and Peakshadow knew him and used him to aid the church and the faithful. Thalwyn the Nimble he called himself, though Truthteller he was called by us and by the Guardian who aided us.
I heard this tale from the Guardian himself who told me of the day that Thalwyn came to him in search of the Scepter of Morven. It was that Scepter that the Prefect sent him to the catacombs to find. For it had powerful dweomers placed upon it and the Prefect feared that it might be used by forces of evil in order to summon their master from across the great spaces which divide Erenth from the Forge of Worlds.
The Truthteller muddled about in the dark for many days and aquitted himself well of the dangers that abided in the ruins in that day. Finally, after sneaking past many and defeating many others, he found himself in the home of the Guardian. The two of them reasoned together and the Guardian could find no fault or guile in him.
When the Guardian recognized the fulfillment of prophesy he turned over the Scepter of Morven to the Truthteller as a final test. The Truthteller did not use the powers of the Scepter, nor did he seek his own power, but instead turned the Scepter over to be destroyed.
This simple act was the beginning of the end for the powers of darkness, though neither they nor the Truthteller, nor the Prefect, nor the Guardian knew it at the time.
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