Lost in the dark and unable to find an exit, the adventurers faced the daunting task of fighting their way out of goblin infested catacombs and perhaps eventually facing the Three Horde Chieftains— enigmatic figures who seem to rule the various tribes. While surveying the damage to their last opponents, however, they discovered what remains of a cookfire and followed the smoke stained path up the chimney.
The party thieves proved themselves worthy of their hire by climbing up the chimney and lowering a long rope to their companions below. Once out into the light of day, the party made for their hired transport and found that it was waiting as promised.
While sailing for Bolden, the party began to suspect that the ship’s captain and crew were turning on them, perhaps tempted by their valuables. When the captain announced a detour to a “friendlier” port, the Ranger, Mourning Elk put him to the sword. The crew immediately fell in line behind Mourning Elk and returned the party to Bolden as originally contracted.
At sea, the ship came across a contingent of Aquatic Elves who were looking for a lost heirloom of some significance. The party saw wisdom in returning the giant orb to them without contest.
Once in Bolden, the dwarves discovered that the city magistrate was looking for them to answer for the duel that occurred in the town square when they were there last. Finding against the dwarves, the magistrate demanded the guardsman’s widow be cared for in her declining years. The party’s latest member, Orcboy, agrees to marry the widow.
Quote of the Day: “Okay, we made a climb walls roll, an endurance check, a rope use check and now what? Lemme guess, an asteroid-falls-from-the-sky check? Sun-goes-Super-Nova-just-when-you-reach-the-top check?”
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