The Lonely Street Irregulars are commissioned by the Prefect of Bolden to take a mysterious container to the volcano near Dun Oromir… and dump it into the fiery trench. Simon the Mage is sent with them on the Prefect’s Orders. For the first part of the journey, the Baron’s Reeve accompanies them, as well.
Meanwhile, the half-orc Josif, the dwarf Beleg and some other companions (Brumbar the Paladin, Lydia the Priest, Olofire the Thief, Areesar the Wizard) are sent ahead of the party to deliver a missive to the Council of Cardinal Prefects in Peakshadow. Afterward they are to await the party’s arrival in the foothills near the Silverlode Mountains.
The first leg of the main party’s journey brings them to Daymarch in short order. The Irregulars then stay the night there and head north as soon as practical. On the road toward Peakshadow the Irregulars come across a group of slain halflings and their abandoned merchant wagon. They find tracks that include wolves, orcs, ogres and some sort of giant kind. The ranger Mourning Elk begins agitating the party to take momentary leave of their quest in order to track and kill any giants they find. That night they sleep on the open plains and keep careful watch in all directions.
The night passes slowly. Sometime during the 6th watch, Shecky the thief hears the approach of many feet accompanied by the cries and howls and jabbering of things no doubt evil. He wakes the rest of the Irregulars who peer into the moonlit night and see the hunchbacked blue fur of more than one hundred Gibberlings and the bright glint of moonlight off their primitive swords.
The combat is short. Most of the Gibberlings seem intent on some distant target, those that tarry are bound up by spellcasters and dispatched with adroit swordplay. When the horde passes, neither the Irregulars nor their wagons are much harmed. No sign of what spooked the Gibberlings is evident. The party feels safe for now, but consensus is shared that the morning cannot come soon enough.
Quote of the Day: “Don't they have something like this in Pamplona… the running of the Halflings!”
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