Long reputed to be the hottest place in all Erenth, the volcano called the Forge of Oromir is the destination of the two parties of Lonely Street Irregulars who meet on the plains outside of Peakshadow. Together they journey up the seldom used Dwarven Road.
On that road, the party comes into contact with the notorious Scarlet Hood, whose band of brigands demands the usual tribute in order for them to pass. The Irregulars wisely surrender part of their found pipeweed to the Hood, who finds the arrangement agreeable enough to give them fair warning. Apparently a party of giant kind, ogres, orcs and wolves, passed that way scant hours previously. Between them, they carried a huge laver of hammered bronze.
Mourning Elk, mindful that the current arrangement of Irregulars was light on fighting types bargained with the Hood to obtain six mercenaries to guide them along the road. Those mercenaries proved useful as the advance scouts encountered a war band of orcs and ogres and brought them howling and slathering back to the main party.
Once the battle was enjoined, it was short and bloody, with the irregulars suffering few injuries. No sooner had it ended, however, than a mirv of Griffons attacked the horses which were tethered and untended at the rear. The Irregulars found themselves low on arrows and barely able to beat back the famished avians, but not before losing all but two of their steeds.
The Irregulars spent the night off the Dwarven Road with nothing more than the instability of the mountains themselves to trouble them. The next morning, they discovered a wide meadow on a plateau ringed with trees. To one side of that meadow, a recent rockslide had revealed a strange edifice in the side of the mountain. That edifice had a bizarre portal fashioned in the side of it. As they were wont to do, the party quibbled about whether to enter the portal or move on at the urging of the priest, Thomas.
In the end the party decided to continue with the Prefect’s Chest to the Forge of Oromir and see
it destroyed, though they noted the location of the edifice and portal and hoped to return.
Further along the path to the Forge, they discovered that some time had been spent by the goblin types in the creation of a huge fire, in the midst of which had been set the laver they carried. Early the next day, the adventurers of Lonely Street caught up with that fell party on the stairs to the Forge itself. A brief battle ensued, during which the Paladin Brumbar acquited himself with bravery and determination. Not to be outdone, Beleg, Josif and Mourning Elk vied for position while charging up the stairs and created a comedy of errors for those watching.
At battle’s end, eight orcs, and four Verbeeg lie dead. Their burden, the hammered bronze laver sat teetering on the precipice of the volcanic flow itself. Swiftly deducing that if the Orcs wanted it destroyed, it must have some value for good, the Irregulars rescued it from certain destruction. As some tended to the laver, others, remembering their primary goal, pitched the Prefect’s Chest into the heat and lava below and insured the demise of that evil forever.
Thus, trading one artifact of evil for one artifact of good, the members of the Irregulars found themselves forever changed by the experience. While both Josif and Thalwyn found themselves somewhat permanently weakened, Areesar the Wizard found himself more hale and hearty for the experience. Beleg the Impetuous Dwarf sought to bathe himself in the waters of the laver and emerged looking somehow more Dwarven than before. Perhaps it was a loss of stature on his part, or the fuller, thicker beard he seemed to now to have — whatever the reason, something about him had definitely changed.
The afternoon passed as most do with the Irregulars, as they trumpeted their success and made light of their failures. They decided to camp in the light of the Forge and make decisions about their course of action on the morrow. One thing was on all of their minds, as they turned to paymaster Thalwyn with open palms.
Quote of the Day: “NOW we know where he got the money for the fecking barding!!!”
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