A group of mercenary travelers stops over in the picturesque town of Glittermore on the South shores of the Kingdom of Rath. The populace of the town proves to be as friendly to visitors as the town is scenic. Glittermore relies heavily on merchants, pilgrims and travelers who are seeking respite from the road. All is good until the party mentions that they might be staying through the weekend, suddenly their reception turns a bit chilly.
Apollo of the Creed pt 4: The Second Quest continues
When last we left the tale, Apollo of the Creed had been challenged by Lunsford of Saklan to find someone "who is naked and to clothe them with nobility." Apollo interpreted this to mean the restoration of the so-called Scarlett Hood to the throne of Collonia. To do so, he purposed to find the sword of Rigel, son of Rigel, last King of Collonia.
Holy Order of the Sword and Rose,
Scarlet Hood,
Sh. Aljero,
Cache a Fallen Star pt. 4
Once again, the party stands on the field of recent battle... the twenty feet wide paved and walled "trough" that has been cut into the ridge of the Malochan Mountains. It runs to the West from this scene and toward the enclave of the Frost Giant Jarl. It also runs to the East toward the Mistwood Forest.
Boy Jarvis,
Girl Aria,
r:Malochan Mountains,
Sh. Caeli,
Tireo Redshirt
RETCONNED: Using scrolls while invisible
There is nothing I hate worse than getting hoisted by my own petard, except perhaps to have to retroactively adjust the continuity of a session. It always leaves a bad taste in my mouth to have to fix a session after it has been played. Now, it is true enough that Robby pointed this out during play, but I had to do some reading afterwards to check my own writings on the subject before I could make a ruling. I blame the fact that Steve doesn't have WiFi and my laptop was useless to me in his basement.
Bookkeeping: Help with the Halls
I have been working on my fighter's guilds. I have done a great deal of work on the other professional associations, but not much in this department, at all. So, I am looking for help. Experience awards are available for those who want to do some work in this area.
Briefly: In the Shire of Hillsdale
Freja and Budokai, along with Nor Nidrah the dwarven geologist were leading the company's mounts when they found themselves entering an area of rolling foothills. The narrow footpath from the quarry road slowly began to wind back and forth to avoid the hills rather than going overtop them and the way became unnecesarily long and tedious. So, instead of following it, the party of three and their beasts kept the wildly winding path to their left and walked along the tops of the hills in the straighter path.
Endstory: The Death of Oghren, House Ironbeard, Dun Balnolmor
From the Journal of Gneelix, Apprentice Illusionist
In the Year 5823, The first Week of the first Moon of Harvest, a Wavesday.
Master is having a bad week. I think he has eaten Gnostwick and Gnarlsley just as he has always threatened he would eat all of us. When these black moods come over him none are safe. We try to remind him that he is a vegetarian, but he seldom seems to hear our objection. Surely he must be jesting about the ignoble deaths of his own apprentices. But still, where are Gnostwick and Gnarlsley? To be invisible from Master is punishable by death. So even if it were true that they did not die under Master's hand (fork?) surely they will for this.
In the Year 5823, The first Week of the first Moon of Harvest, a Wavesday.
Master is having a bad week. I think he has eaten Gnostwick and Gnarlsley just as he has always threatened he would eat all of us. When these black moods come over him none are safe. We try to remind him that he is a vegetarian, but he seldom seems to hear our objection. Surely he must be jesting about the ignoble deaths of his own apprentices. But still, where are Gnostwick and Gnarlsley? To be invisible from Master is punishable by death. So even if it were true that they did not die under Master's hand (fork?) surely they will for this.
Cache a Fallen Star pt. 3
The party stands on the field of recent battle... a twenty feet wide paved "trough" that has been cut into the ridge of the Malochan Mountains. It runs to the West from this scene of battle and toward the enclave of the Frost Giant Jarl. It also runs to the East toward destinations unknown.
Boy Jarvis,
Girl Aria,
r:Malochan Mountains,
Sh. Caeli,
Tireo Redshirt
Apollo of the Creed pt 3 -- Second Quest
After leaving the presence of Yanlong of Shu, Apollo was instructed to find Lunsford of Saklan, also of the Order of the Sword and Rose, who had a three day head start from Peakshadow. Apollo raced after the Champion and received the command to, "Find someone who is naked and clothe them with nobility."
Backstory: Fung Lee Nan Mai
Here I sit in the damp and dark hold of this foul smelling merchant ship. I stowed aboard several days ago after fearing capture as a horse thief. The boat keeps rocking and listing. I’m not sure if it will ever stop and I cannot take much more of this. I have not been able to eat anything that I stole and I am running low on water. At least it is quiet on the decks above me.
Backstory: Beleg, House Marblefist, Dun Dynkyr
The peninsula of Dynkyr, land of the dispossessed Sundered Dwarves is prone to bitter in-fighting and viscious back-biting over genealogies and the precedences of succession. These struggles go back two thousand years to the untimely and heirless death of Regn Banalar. While the nobility argue and scheme and plot, most of them act like they have given up for lost, the cause which should be foremost in their minds. It is a cause which still manages to capture the imaginations of patriots. That is, the Dun.
Endstory: The Death of Bjorn, House Tokill, Dun Balnolmor
I was there the day he died. I managed to be set free later by his servants and sought shelter among the halflings who live near the foot of those mountains. Mya and the Valkauna bear witness, I tell you what I saw with my own eyes, and heard with my own ears. I hold the hammer that bears his symbol for I secreted it when he was slain.
Cache a Fallen Star pt. 2
The train arrives to assist the van... well the first part of the train, anyway. Quin and Sabretooth arrive at the quarry in time to intimidate the cave bears from leaving the plateau. Father Patrick arrives without fanfare some time later, his report is that Beleg and Mourning Elk may be behind them still.
Boy Jarvis,
Girl Aria,
r:Malochan Mountains,
Sh. Caeli,
Tireo Redshirt
Backstory: Rumors Abound
The end of the organized conflicts on the Northern Marches has meant that one-time Scarlett Hood, now King Rigelson of Collonia, has been slowly but surely consolidating his power across the provinces. The mad High King in Peakshadow has frozen them out so one after another, the nobles are slowly coming in line with their new kings authority. He has the will of the people. He commands the respect of the armies. He has the friendship of heroes. He wields the sword of the kings of Collonia from centuries past. And, he defeated the goblin hordes once and for all, in a series of decisive battles. Its hard not to call him king and be taken seriously.
Apollo of the Creed pt 2 -- First Quest
The first righteous quest of the aspiring Apollo of the Creed was given to him by a Champion of the Holy Order of the Sword and Rose named Yanlong of Shu. Yanlong demanded that Apollo, “Find someone who was hungry and feed them with eternal food.” With that vague direction, Apollo returned to Peakshadow and attempted to buy all the groceries and non-perishing stores he could for the nearest peasant child -- a lad named Hugo.
Bookkeeping: Beleg's Time
925. That is the number of days between when Beleg was last at Wanderhalt and played by you a few years back, and then picked up by you to play again as you were going North to ask the Regn of Dun Balnolmor to pledge men, materiel or money to the liberation of Dynkyr.
Cache a Fallen Star pt. 1
After a week layover, first observing then selling a dragon hatchling, plus outfitting a party, and hiring Tireo -- a man-at-arms and veteran of the Battle of Wanderhalt -- the party sets out for the Malochan Mountains. The Dwarven geologist which has accompanied them hither and yon across all Westrun can scarcely believe the news. Addled though he was from his constant recourse to human wine, he still only had to be pointed firmly in the right direction for motivation. They leave in two groups with Mai, Budokai, Ohgren, Freja and Bjorn in the van. They believe they are followed by Quin, Beleg, Mourning-Elk, Patrick, Sabretooth in the train.Time will tell which of those heroes make it with them to their destination.
Girl Aria,
r:Malochan Mountains,
Sh. Caeli,
Stube Stuberville,
Tireo Redshirt
Dragon For Sale. Sold!
The newly hatched dragon, named Dave for the creepy feelings it aroused in its owner, was the source of growing unease for Budokai's henchmen. They were quickly reduced to drawing lots for the privilege of feeding it each day. At just a little under a foot long, with a disproportionately lengthy tail, the hatchling was already a source of fear. It went from mimicking vague vocalizations to parroting complete sentences in the exact tone and timber of the person overheard!
Bookkeeping: Bjorn's Hammer?
Bjorn would have picked up a hammer in Wanderhalt before leaving with the party going South. I had a flag that said it was done about two weeks before y'all left. Also he owes about two months worth of living expenses to catch up and account for.
*edited to change Biorn to Bjorn 3/3
*edited to change Biorn to Bjorn 3/3
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