This is the way I have fleshed out the Eastrun Daizu nomads in my world -- largely due to the leg work that Enzo did. Or gave birth to Dun Dynkyr which owes its existence to the suggestions and incredible work of Steve. Sean did great work with the Vyrum and helped me to work another racial history in the mix when I had run dry of ideas. I will pay handsomely for your efforts, more work means more xps.
You are not limited to working on one of the Halls that I have already made, but I would prefer if you did. I would like these fleshed out a little better, since I have referenced them in the past. What I have written is all that I know about them. So you will have carte blanche to go from here.
Angels of AladinusSo the questions will arise. What are you looking for, Ed? Six things:
Aladinus was a famous Colonello in the Provinces. The current Aladinus is almost certainly not the same one as the Hall is very old, numbering its longevity in centuries. Either some magic protects Aladinus from aging, or he is a demi-human, or he simply continues to take the name of predecessor.
Band of the Mailed Fist
The Mailed Fist is a cool name. That's all I got.
Bastards of Bolden
This group is headquartered in Bolden and is made up of Westruners, mostly.
Brotherhood of Rance
Rance's Brotherhood was formed at the end of the Battle of Wanderhalt in 5823. It is a relatively new Hall trying to make a name for itself.
Brute Squadron
One of the few cavalry-based Halls, the Brute Squadron are not permitted in Balduren, but may be welcomed elsewhere.
Coffer Corps
In what I hope is an obvious play on words, the Coffer Corps have almost taken the name of an undead creature for their own. They have a reputation of being fearless and without any piety, save the extreme loyalty they owe their own Hall. Please do better than our current President and note the difference between Corps and Corpse.
Desmagnes Despoilers
Desmagnes is a Province, not the name of an individual.
Eastrun Raiders Alliance
Eastrun Raiders are not necessarily Eastrun, in fact, the name rather suggests Westruners who see the Daizu as a sort of motiff or mascot in the way that sports teams of our era and before took the name Redskins or Indian. They may or may not be a cavalry Hall, but probably should have a cavalary component, at least.
Justahl's Jesters
Justahl was known to have been a Paladin, disgraced and driven from his order.
Lords of Defiance
The Lords of Defiance is a rather lofty sounding name, rest-assured that only the Guild Master is a nobleman.
Masters of the North
Like the ERA sited above, the MON is not made of Northruners, but have affecting the Northrun Barbarian as a sort of motif or theme. The name is part homage, part marketing ploy.
Riders of Kilan
Kilan is another Province, not the name of a man..
Rysdan's Fiends
Rysdan is the current head of this Hall. He is a half-elf, shunned by elves and never fully at home in human society.
Sellswords of Ciran
Ciran is the current head of this Hall.
Swordsmen Immortal
The Immortals trade heavily on their name. The name of their Colonello is not known outside of the guild hall and they intend to keep it that way. They always retrieve their dead and replace them. Their members are heavily tattooed with black bands around their arms and beneath their eyes. It is said that one black band represents a lifetime that a Swordsmen has given in battle. Despite these rumors, these men are as mortal as any other.
Tigers of Talir
The Tigers are Hall which operates out of the Kingdom of Talir.
Warriors of Westrun
The Warriors are fairly generic. Fill in what you will.
- I am looking for a history of the guild hall leader. He must be 10th level or above. Where did he fight? When? Was he an adventurer? A soldier in the service of a king?
- Names, levels, stats, equipment, alignment, and personality of everyone who has the rank of Sergente di Corpo and above. Which is either 11 or 12 NPCs generated.
- I am looking for a purpose for the guild. Why was it founded? To make money for its members is legitimate enough, but some may have a more specific reason in mind. Is there an alignment restriction? Is there some right of initiation?
- I am looking for their motto, this is closely related to point 2 above. A pithy expression like, "might makes right" works easily.
- How do the members carry their sigil? Is it a shield device? A manner of dress? Do they have a color which all members carry? For that matter, what is their sigil? Bear in mind, that it must fit into the shield design above and shouldn't be so detailed as to not be able to be painted with a crude 1 inch brush.
- I want all of this submitted in a word doc with a jpeg or bmp doc for point 5. I won't take paper and I will delete comments dropped here which attempt to fulfill any part of this.
I am wide open, really. I have written a brief bit on all fighter's guilds below. I recommend you read it. This part cannot be changed from guild to guild without a VERY strong and compelling reason. This section is not only written to standardize the rules regarding fighter's guilds but to make that standard compliant with the rules I am adopting for mass combat.
Fighters may opt to be mercenaries in the service of a Hall. The Fighters Guilds have their origin in the small private Provincial armies that were first conquered by Westrun nobility, and then used by them to wage proxy wars for nearly 800 years. The fighters guilds made their way to Westrun as mercenaries in the many wars against the Goblins. For this reason, the ranks and structure of the Hall is Provincial by tradition.
The Hall provides fighters with employment when times are lean, certifies their ability at a certain level and standardizes training. Most importantly, it provides the members or their widows with retirement income when they are eligible to become Pensionatos. To fund the Pensionatos the guild collects 10% of the earnings of all Armata and Riservista subject to a minimum of 3 gp per month and a maximum of 30 gp per month.
Provincial convention and Westrun law fixes the total number of active duty guild members, or Armata, at 200 -- so as to avoid large private armies competing for power with duly reigning monarchs. In addition to having those men in the Armata, a Hall may have up to 100 Riservista, who may be employed elsewhere, or on an individual basis, with ranks and honors equivalent to those Armata and subject to recall but never fielded except to replace losses.
Rank | Description | Duties |
Recluta | A guild pledge under probationary status who may quit or be asked to leave at any time. He has not yet earned the right to wear the sigil of his guild hall. | The Recluta is constantly training to become proficient in melee and ranged weapons, and learning basic military history along with some rudimentary training in tactics and strategy. |
Soldato | A sigil wearing guild member. He is between 0 and 3rd level and making .5x pay. | The Soldato are the workhorses of the Hall. They may have never been in battle before, or they may be veterans of several wars. |
Caporale | This is one of the more experienced members of the guild. He is between 4th and 6th level. He is drawing a full pay but will not be trained for 7th level, without becoming a Sergente. Most NPC guild members will stagnate here. They will generally wait out their 25 years to become one of the Pensionato -- a retiree. | These men are generally immune from the laboring details of the Soldato. They are highly experienced fighters and some may never rise higher than this rank, regardless of the level they obtain. Generally speaking, a Caporale may be expected to lead his party of 6 men. |
Sergente (2-4) | An experienced member of the guild who is also recognized as a leader among his fellows. He is at least 4th level and will draw 1.5x the pay of a Caporale. He will be trained beyond 7th and may still be drawn up into the Officer Corps, eventually. | Those who have some command or leadership ability are promoted to Sergente. Every one of them must lead either a party or team. He may have Caporales beneath him who are more experienced, but lack the desire or ability to enter the command structure. |
Sergente di Corpo (2) | At least 4th level and will not be trained to 13th level. The Sergente di Corpo will work directly for one of two Capitano in the guild, but it has already been determined that he will never be an Officer. He will draw 2x pay. In order to take this rank, he disavows his right to become a nobleman (usu. 10th level) until after he is a Pensionato. | The Sergente di Corpo is the muscle of the Captain. He has been a party and team leader. He may even have more levels and more years of experience than a Captain. What he lacks is the social class and/or level to be able to properly command men in anything more than a brief engagement. |
Sergente Maggiore (1) | The senior most NCO in any given guild Hall. Like the Sergente di Corpo, he will not see 13th level until after retirement, if at all. He will draw 3x the pay of a Private and will be the highest leveled non-Officer in the entire Hall, He often foregoes his retirement to continue to serve, provided he is still fit enough and intimidating enough to do so. | The Sergente Maggiore will have been a Sergente and party or team leader for many years. He will be the senior most man who is not also an officer in the entire Hall. He has whupped more ass, drank more ale, and broken more hearts than the rest of the enlisted men put together -- at least by reputation, anyway. He is highly respected among the troops and while his discipline is usually tougher than that of the officers, it is often greatly preferred. |
Tenente (4) | The leader of a Section, the Tenente. is at least 4th level. He must be able to read and write. He is generally receiving some schooling in etiquette and heraldry. He is on track for being made part of the gentry, at least. He draws 3x pay. It is presumed that at 10th level he will start his own Hall. | He leads the 48 men in his section, which may be divided into two teams and four parties. |
Primo Tenente (1) | This officer is the most experienced of the Tenente and is next in line for a Capitano's position. He has had extensive experience as a Section leader. He also draws 3x pay. It is presumed that at 10th level he will start his own Hall. | He has no men directly under his command, but rather is entrusted with seeing to the direct orders of the Colonello well as to the Colonello's personal needs. |
Capitano (2) | The head of a company within a Hall, he is at least 7th level. Unless some disgrace has removed the honor from him, he has already been gentrified. He draws 4x pay. It is presumed that at 10th level he will start his own Hall. | He leads a company which includes 96 Tenente, Sergente, Caporal, and Soldato beneath him. Plus has a Recluta groom and the Sergente di Corpo. |
Colonello (1) | Each hall is led by a Colonello of at least 10th level. This man is a noble by law and by his right to attract followers and lead others. | The guild Hall is his to command and he runs it as he sees fit. By law that means he may have up to two companies of Armata, and one company of Riservista. He will have the Sergente Maggiore, and he will also usually have a Recluta as a groom. |
Colonello di Corpo (1?) | A Hall may have an honorary office which is a ceremonial position within the Hall for some distinguished nobleman with close association or historical ties to it. Sometimes this is a member of a Royal Family to whom the Hall pledges fealty. |
Okay, that's it. Any questions???
In the duties section for Caporale you spelt it "Caporal".
ReplyDelete100 xps c.o.c. You get a guy to second level yet?
DeleteLol Matthew I love your picture.
DeleteJust about second level, but id have to count it all up. and my picture is pretty boss.
DeleteDo the people within the guild have to be of Westrun Decent? For example, the leader of "Tigers of Talir" is a Southron fighter. Would that be acceptable?
ReplyDeleteYes, quite. I have you doing the Tigers of Talir. Steve has selected the Lords of Defiance.
DeleteEnzo is working on four variants. If you plan to do likewise, check with me before getting too deep. I would hate to turn someones work away.
ReplyDeleteI call Justahl's Jesters!
ReplyDeleteYou got anything?
DeleteI have the beginning of Justahl's back story. Would you like me to email it to you? I wrote it for creative writing so I will edit certain parts after it is graded.
DeleteInteresting, so far. I am looking forward to more.
DeleteIs the ERA still available? I have an idea for back story based loosely off a japanese legend.
ReplyDeleteYes, available. Do it up.