Fleeing the burning barn, Ziek and Ward made good time before the sun rose. They ate the last of their rations on the road and put in a full day’s travel, and then some.
Cache a Fallen Star pt. 6
The Frost Giant Shaman is somewhere in the complex. The party stands having defeated most of the Jarl's forces in combat. Two Stone Giants are captive and scores of dwarves come spilling into the courtyard from some unseen warren. The party decides to move with haste. Leaving Beleg behind to treat with his fellow Dwarves, they disregard the door through which the Shaman was seen retreating, and head into the manor from the side entrance. They immediately surprise another Frost Giant who works in the kitchen and dispatch him before he can beg for quarter.
Nor Nidrah,
r:Malochan Mountains,
Tireo Redshirt
Backstory: Lita
Lita grew up in a small village called Winston, on the outskirts of the Mistwood Forest. She came from an ordinary home. Her parents had a small house and garden, where they grew enough food to survive. Her father, who was rumored to be a Ranger in his youth, was a great hunter. There was always meat on the table for dinner. His name was Leonard, and his wife was Isabella.
Men Stomp Where Elves Fear to Tred
Two sell-swords, Bronn and Assaad find themselves in a public house in Rath and unemployed. Their waitress brings their latest round of drinks along with a notice from a person unknown.
Men-at-Arms Wanted
for a task most dangerous.
Rewards commensurate.
Inquire of Mr. Hobbes,
at Penn Oyal's Inn
The Brothers Unprepared
Dunsmyr and Dinsmyr, twin brothers and half breed elves of the Mistwood are summoned to the Tower of their Wizard, the Llormaster of the Mistwood. There they find that Magister Sylvanus has taken leave of the tower and left his primus, Tuorwyn in charge. Tuorwyn has an offer for the two half-elves.
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