Dunsmyr and Dinsmyr, twin brothers and half breed elves of the Mistwood are summoned to the Tower of their Wizard, the Llormaster of the Mistwood. There they find that Magister Sylvanus has taken leave of the tower and left his primus, Tuorwyn in charge. Tuorwyn has an offer for the two half-elves.
"I know that in addition to the magical arts you practice, you have also learned skill at arms, and the ways of rogues. For that reason, I think you would be excellent for the task I have to set before you. If you agree I will teach you each a spell of your choice."
The two brothers are hooked and hear the rest from Tuorwyn. He admits that almost six months ago, he was afoot in a seldom used and verdant part of the forest. There, he saw a nymph bathing and has fallen in love with her. He is quite certain she saw him and the feelings might be reciprocal. He wants the brothers to deliver a letter to her and wait for her reply. He warns that in doing so, they should not look at her and that they should be wary of trolls who also haunt the area.
The two brothers journey to the area the grove is supposed to be, but instead of finding verdant growth around a crystal pond, they discover a slimy swamp set around by withering trees and grotesque woodland creatures. Then they espy her.
She is a creature of surpassing beauty, and Dinsmyr is immediately smitten, while Dunsmyr is able to shake off her charms and discern that this is no ordinary nymph -- rather she is of evil persuasion. The nymph orders Dinsmyr to smite Dunsmyr and carry his body out of her region of control, which he happily does, before rejoining her in bliss.
Dunsmyr becomes a feast for trolls.
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