Fleeing the burning barn, Ziek and Ward made good time before the sun rose. They ate the last of their rations on the road and put in a full day’s travel, and then some.
That evening, hungry for a good meal and aching for a warm bed, they arrived in Waldron, long after darkness had fallen. It was late and the gate of the inn was closed, but loud pounding eventually roused the innkeeper. Satisfied that the two were not ruffians, he admitted them with the explanation that the roads had been filled with highwaymen and other ne’erdowells of late.
They were lucky to have come to him, he said. The Horny Giant was already closed for the evening, but he, Nicholson, proprietor of the Triple Fat Goose, would never turn down honest coin for a bed. He then showed the wizard and his adept to the only room available. It was finely appointed, but vacant, and he offered it for the regular price. He then offered a hard loaf of bread and a bit of a wheel of cheese, along with a promise for a more expansive breakfast from his wife in the morning. After taking his rent, he bid the adventurers good night.
While Ziek prepared himself for bed and saw to changing the dressings of his wounds, Ward sat at the writing table and began going through his notes, chuckling to himself. When Ziek was ready for bed, he looked over Ward’s shoulder and noted handwriting that did not belong to his apprentice. Snatching the papers he saw that they were a collection of missives titled, "The Letters of Scot of Tols" (http://erenth.blogspot.com/search/label/Scot%20of%20Tols).
When Ziek asked where they came from, Ward shrugged sheepishly and admitted that he "borrowed" them from the Great Druid Caelfa in order to learn more about her kind. Ziek read and re-read the letters to gain what insight he might. The next morning the two were late to rise after their long day of travel. When they did, they found breakfast to be as fine as any promised. Goose egg omelets with boiled potatoes, thick dark ale and cold sliced roast mutton. It was all served with fresh-baked bread.
Ziek was contemplating his next course of action, when a swordsman from the Duke's Guard entered the Triple Fat Goose. Taking off his helm, he looked around the room.
“His lordship Padrik V, Duke of Delvenia, and Patriarch of the House of Waldron would have a word with you,” the guard informed. “I am to conduct you to him after your breakfast is over.”
The guard sat heavily and accepted a pint of the morning ale from the host.
Like House of Fieldstone, the House of Waldron was curious and tried to get as much information as possible. Ziek was not forthcoming and after a long afternoon, The Duke Padrik Waldron stormed off in anger. Ziek and Ward were eventually shown the door, but the groom was late in returning their horses and eventually returned with only a receipt, explaining that had to put the steeds down for they were diseased.
Ziek and Ward were forced to walk the rest of the way to Haven.
along with a promise for a more expansive breakfast from his wife inthe morning.
ReplyDeleteShould be in the morning.
ok 100 xp coc
DeleteThey were eventually shown the door, but the groom was late in returning their horses and eventually returned with only a reciept,
ReplyDeleteShould be receipt
ok 100 xp coc