After the slaying of the leprechaun; Lord Budokai, Lady Mai and Lu-Chen are joined by Sir Jarvis, lately come from Wanderhalt; and a Ranger arrived to investigate the rumors of the cat on behalf of the mysterious White Robes. The group has little time for discussing their mutual interests before they hear another pedestrian coming along on the wooded path.
This latest arrival is a guardsman of Duke Havenar who is surprised to see the party and states that some of his fellows are caught in a hole. He explains he would be greatly obliged not to have to walk back to the Duke's manor, if anyone present could loan him the use of a rope. He takes the party off the main trail to a great sink hole and a strange sight to behold.
The sinkhole is about thirty feet in diameter. It plunges forty feet below the forest. The floor of the hole is littered knee deep in the picked-clean and sun-bleached bones of various herd animals. There is a Giant Troll, apparently asleep, on the bed of bones while three more men dressed in the Duke's vexil are standing over a chest.
Jarvis lowers his rope and joins the men on the floor of the sinkhole -- much to their dismay. They warn him off, but his curiosity and sense of entitlement forces him to examine the chest. The four men flee the sinkhole and enjoin him to abandon the chest. Jarvis opens it to discover several thousand crowns. The guardsman now menace Sir Jarvis who offers to make their children orphans if they insist on taking the matter further. A battle is joined.
Meanwhile, the Ranger, who hates trolls more than he loves his own life, jumped into the pit and kicked the monster awake. "Rise and meet your death, you raggedy abomination." The troll shook himself awake and grabbed his spiked club to swing at his pest. The Ranger replied with hastily fired arrows at point blank range. He was joined by the wizardry and swords of his fellows. In less than a minute, the giant was slain and smoldering.
Taking the coins, the party returned to the keep of Duke Hoel Havenar and reported the presence of at least one troll his wood and no cats found. They then declined to assist further and took their leave of the now irate lord. After leaving the keep they journeyed to the Town of Haven and attempted to remain off the road and pass unnoticed, but quickly found themselves enjoying the hospitality of Sh. Aljero, the town priest and sometime protector. While there, Budokai's reputation brought another group of men to his side.
After leaving Haven, they made their way through the Pass at Oromir and to the wall erected by the High King, whose soldiers demanded that Lord Budokai attend court to profess his loyalty. Meanwhile, Mai went to the East Gate of Dun Oromir in order to ask a boon of the Dwarves there.
At sessions end, Lord Budokai was finally home in Menea and Mai had an offer to work the ore in exchange for the Dwarven Rane of Oromir keeping half of what was produced.
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