Rejoined in Peakshadow, Brumbar and Snow made fast re-acquaintance with Father Brendan. Their common cause was to find Erenth's only honest thief -- Thalwyn the Lawful. As their quarry is also a wizard, the three agreed to journey into the Mistwood to seek out the elven warlock rumored to reside within. It was hoped that he would be able to point them in the right direction.
For their own safety, the party accompanied a trade caravan for Menea and split off a few days North of that city to go cross-country toward their goal.
Before long, they happened upon a gently used road through a baron's holdings. While camping under the stars, they made contact with a gnome artificer who appeared to be handy with a sharpening stone. He had a ferret as an animal companion, who unbeknownst to him turned out to be capable of shapeshifting and working great mischief. As a result of that mischief, the party was accosted by the shire reeve and his men and were forced to buy their way out of further trouble.
The road ended at the village of Farthingwell. As it turned out the gnome and his mischief-making companion had already worked their mischief there. Brumbar used the gift of his God to heal an old man who was growing increasing blind and deaf. He immediately gained the welcome of the villagers who invited the party into the public house.
While enjoying their warm ale, the pub received more visitors -- three elves from the Mistwood who announced that they had come into human habitations to enjoy their last drink before decamping for their Winter home. The party inquired of the warlock of the wood -- Magister Sylvanus -- and the elves assured them that they could be ushered directly to him.
Once in Sylvanus' presence they found him to be a particularly sadistic man. He knew of Thalwyn and claims to have been his tutor, but doesn't seem to show any sympathy for his student. He is finally persuaded to advise them of Thalwyn's precarious whereabouts, but only if they agreed to do him a service. They were to retrieve a certain item from a nearby dungeon.
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