In Laketon, Lady Carma and Onogg the Goblin Priest were approached by the Prefect who bid them to deliver a message to the Prefect of Treft so that the troubles in Twin Peaks could be eradicated. Carma and Onogg agreed, leaving the rest of the party behind for a few days.
The two sought a caravan to travel with, but were talked out of it by Kiel the Ferryman who convinced them that they needed to talk to his cousin. Tall Sam would have tents and other accoutrement for their travels and his other cousin, Pate the Guide would take them by the fastest route.
The party bought an old copy of the canons, a curious set of prayer beads, a pavilion, and a sword from Tall Sam and then left.
It is six days on foot from Laketon to the capital city of Treft. The two took Pate the Guide with them. Though Treft lies along the High King's Highway, Pate argued that he could take them by the fastest route and was well acquainted with every goat path and byway. Happier for another sword than a guide, the two left and traveled the Highway anyway with Pate agreeing to a third of any treasure found while he journeyed with them.
Just outside of Treft, the three fell in with three fellows making camp. After sharing a fire and meal, the travelers agreed to deliver a message for their hosts. It was to go to the Hall of Laws inside of Treft. The message was hastily scribbled on the ripped-out page of a tome and sealed with common candle wax.
Carma and Onogg departed with their message and arrived in the curious city of Treft. They delivered their messages and waited for replies. Prefect Janarmo agreed to accompany theme back to Saklan, but the other message caused some consternation as it turned out to be a ransom note for the return of the First Citizen's kidnapped daughter.
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