How aptly named, this Pearl of Certain Perils.
Traveling by means of the pearl's magical portal, the party finds itself out of the proverbial frying pan and into the fire.
Is this the Khard?
The party wonders as they struggle beneath the blast furnace heat of the Sun across sandy terrain and up a large dune. Then, on the desert floor beneath them, they see encampments -- one large and one small, each sporting different penants.
This is the Valley of the Three Lions, so named for this dune and its two sisters across the valley. Two tribes have met here to resolve a contract dispute.
The Fwaz and the Nazeer are at odds over a promised marriage of Sheikh Meham Fwaz to the younger sister of Sheikh Ahlud Nazeer. The Nazeer have reneged and war is imminent, unless a negotiation can be made.
Alas, war is not averted at and the moment of battle, the Valley of the Three Lions comes alive. This is a sacred place and will not stomach conflict. It isn't three lions, but three Gargantuan Manticores that shake off the desert sand and emerge from the dunes to begin flinging tail barbs like two-handed swords, at adventurers and tribesmen alike.
The battle does not go well and at the last Ivy is killed... again. But the Nazeer escape and the Fwaz are routed. Brumbar gathers his fallen friend and carries her by means of his magic carpet to the rumored direction of a wizard's tower.
Enroute, he spies a rocky crag. Nestled in it, but hidden from the desert floor he spies an old building. Is it a church?
Forgetting the wizard, he seeks out whatever priest is within. And discovers a half human - half drow priest who vows to help in whatever way he can. Brumbar can find no evil in the half-breed and reluctantly surrenders his friend.
Three nights of storms hurl rain and lightning on the old church and when they pass, the half-breed priest opens the door to reveal Ivy... or is it?
From the waist up, the familiar form of the ranger is clear, but as she scuttles into the light of day, Brumbar realizes to his horror that her lower torso has been replaced by that of a spider.
The half-breed priest apologizes, "It's all I know how to do!"
Brumbar recoils.
Ivy swoons.
"What am I?" she cries. "What happened to me?"
Brumbar cannot say. He senses that her motives are still pure, but her appearance is that of a abomination. Maybe *this* is what is meant by a fate worse than death.
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