The morning comes as it always must. The Irregulars find themselves standing face to face with an armed party of dwarves. Thalwyn and Josif slip out in the confusion. Beleg agrees to accompany the Basin into Oromir to meet the Dwarf King. Mourning Elk accepts a Dwarf noble’s son as a token of safe conduct for Beleg.
The rest of the party is let out onto the plains near Woodbye. Mourning Elk and the dwarf (Gurdand) meet up with some of the Irregulars and their newest associates on the road.
Together they solve the mystery of the Magical Pool of Woodbye, are lied to by merchants, set on by a war party of giant-morphing gnomes, and make their way West. They travel to Haven, meet Fr. Aljero and the Wizard Evard. Move on to Grynd, then through the lands of House Fieldstone and House Waldron in time to watch the latest chapter in the ongoing dispute between those nobles.
All in all, the Irregulars seem locked in an aimless walkabout that heads in a generally West direction.
Quote of the Day: “You’re unconscious — start acting like it!”
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