I need information on the "mottled dragon egg" that Budokai has. Where it came from, which adventure, what happened about that time? I have the notes that says he has it, but for the life of me I have no recollection of the events. Leave me a comment. It could be worth your while, eh?
the king of collonia Sent Mai,Quin,budokai,bjorn,ogren, the woodcutter and a stupid halfing thief to go and intercept the champions coming to link up with the investing army. among the creatures killed were hill jiants bugbears along with that one monster we had to toss its carcas into the well of many worlds because it regenerated so much.the woodcutter got fireballed. bjorn fought the man scorpion in a dual. and we killed the dragon . it thought we were there to try to convince it the attak wanderhalt. it was having some midlife crisis of some sorts. trying to figure out what life was all about. so before the stupid halfling told him that we had squased one of the eggs and that we were not from vecna and trying to convince him to attak wanderhalt we popped him. also the silver aliens banished us to some dimension or something. and the whole thing with the dogs and going back to a alternate timeline,
ReplyDeleteOkay, I remember much of that.
ReplyDeleteBut it was a mottled Dragon's egg.
Or it was a Mottled Dragon's egg?
Is other words did I have something I called a Mottled Dragon. Or did I just describe the egg as mottled?
Btw, this is your first comment with registration. 1000 xp, character of choice.
Who was the stupid halfling?
ReplyDeleteWhat sort of breath weapon did it employ?
I curse myself and my inexactitude.
So Mai had one or more also? Or was it Thalwyn? It seems so unlike me to give away dragon eggs, but my memory after any given session is generally packed to the gills with numbers and odd bits of notes to self.
Did you actually get the eggs from the immediate area of said dragon combat or from its lair? The only entry I can find on a mottled dragon, isn't a dragon at all. Did you by chance find them in an earthen hole or tunnel?
the halfling was hanging around telling some stories too children. we were looking for rustica brown or some other type of pipeweed to give to the woodcutter.mai saw the halfling and played some music or someother type bard crap and the children went nuts and they hugged or something and the halfling told here that the children had picked her pockets. so we found out he was a thief and she asked him to come along. thankfully he is now dead.
ReplyDeletethe mottled dragon does not have a breath weapon. instead its special is sucking your hitpoints away and adding them to his own.
mai had 2 or 3 other eggs. i asked for my share of the treasure. there were 4 characters and 4 eggs. bjorn did not get a chance to get his since we had to go to peakshadow to get her out of the paper monster that she was stuck in( From the dungeon underneath the old kings castle). she has a funny way of not mentioning that she still carries around the party treasure. but then thats our fault to not recollect.
we did not get the eggs from the area of the combat. we found the nest some miles away from the dragon combat. maybe a days march ( a dwarfs days march) the nest was a bunch of big rocks in a circle like stonehenge and the dragons eggs were on top or underneath. the halfling found them and tried to hide them. he broke one to eat. argh.
hey do i get more experienc point for this, Will clem trade me a teleport without error spell for a black unicorns horn and beard? what spell do i get also. i read magic users get one per each level they train for. i had to come to the lobby to post this. no internet in my apt. oh well im cheap.the mottled dragon is in on or the monstrous compendium annual.. either one two three or four.
You are taught one new spell per level that you obtain by your teacher. His(usually my) choice. Much that depends on your m score, or how much the master likes your PC tooling around in the world using his lessons. Some PCs, like Enzo's multiclass, have learned that their teachers are stingy and uncooperative and don't care that much for them doing so. It isnt personal, so much as ideological. That is that your PC may be a fine fellow and personally likeable, but your m score is killing you.
ReplyDeleteIt doesn't matter how much you butter them up, offer them gifts or play to their ego. They are reacting to the m score. because they have an alignment and so does your PC. The variance between the two gives me an idea of whether they give you a first level b.s. spell or a nice one.
Not that you care, but I have nerded out alignment differences using a coordinate plane. I use his level and alignment to give him a fixed point on the plane (x1,y1) where x1 is equal to his commitment to chaos and law; and y1 is his commitment to good and evil. I then use your PCs level and alignment to come up with (x2,y2) and then calculate the slope of the two sets of points. Simply put, slope tells me everything.