Instead, they wish him well and decide to continue on to their original quest and the reason for which a Geologist has accompanied them since Dun Balnolmor. They purpose to go at once to assay the fallen star and its cache of ore, and as a unified group ignoring any further distractions such as Astrologers, Fire Newts and Beasts in the Deep. Moved with pity for the Provincial, Oghren and Quin do offer Ferraganno a sum of cash with which to ransom his daughters release from the pirates. Moreover, Quin offers to look in on the man and his daughter when next he is in Free.
Disappointed in their lack of personal involvement, but nonetheless grateful for their generosity, Ferraganno bids them good day, but not before asking that they deliver a missive to the Cathedral in Peakshadow from Prefect Eamon, his former employer. Budokai agrees. Patrick writes a letter of his own to the Patriarch expressing his desire to remain in Farrun and become a spiritual leader to this people and gives it to Budokai to deliver, as well.
So, with that behind them, the party leaves Farrun and enters the plains of Menea once more. After staying the night in the old manor house, the party sets out toward Heltorun but is set upon by a colony of ankheg. A short battle leaves them wounded, but victorious. Some exploration in the warren nets a good sum of ancient platinum coins next to the skeletal remains of a Dwarf.
A few days later, in Heltorun, the party convalesces. They have their wounds seen to properly while resting in some luxury before making the journey to their old haunt, on the other side of the Wyde River.
Once across the river and at the Standing Bear, they stop in for a quick night sleep and note that their friend Gray the Woodcutter is absent. The next morning during breakfast they are suprised by a gaudily dressed man flanked by two goons who claims to be collecting taxes for the local baron. The party is suspicious and make inquiries both discreet and overt. They learn that this same individual has been collecting taxes for five years in this same manner -- shaking down travelers from the High King's Highway, and always coincident with Gray's absence.
Most of the party refuses to pay and with varying degrees of vehemence. Oghren goes so far as to destroy his own crystal goblet valued at hundreds of gold pieces to show his lack of attachment to material goods. Nonetheless, he swears, the "tax collector" will have nothing from him.
Several tense moments pass and then the inevitable conflict occurs. It is over almost before it begins. The tax collector and his goons are trussed securely and forced to accompany the party on their way to Peakshadow. Once in the shadow of the city of the High King, the party agrees to split temporarily. Budokai, Sabretooth and Oghren enter, while the Geologist, Beleg, Mai and Quin remain with the prisoners.
Trading on his acclaim as a hero of Wanderhalt, Budokai boldly seeks audience with the Patriarch, who fought alongside of him. He delivers the missive from Ferraganno and inquires after a potion of longevity he had heard was donated to the church. After making a large donation to the upkeep of the poor, he is administered the potion and leaves with some comfort knowing that his advanced age will be yet again be extended. It is late by the time business in the city is concluded so that half of the party remains in the city for the night.
That evening as the Geologist and Beleg sleep, and as Quin is off relieving himself, Mai gains the confidence of the "tax collector" and even promises to put him and his scheme on her payroll, if he will tell her how his scams work. The ne'erdowell gushes his confession and spends several minutes bragging about the money he has made. He has big plans for the future and could use some more financial backing for bigger and better things. When he is done and asks Mai how she plans to expand his business. She stares ominously and says, "Not at all."
Meanwhile, in the city, Sabretooth and Oghren note that their inn keeper is being shaken down by a brazen and surly woman who departs with a sack of gold. Pressured by Oghren, who assures her of his willingness to help, the innkeeper admits that she is forced to pay a significant portion of her profits to the aforementioned brazen and surly woman. After hearing her tale, Oghren and Sabertooth molify the woman by telling her that they have powerful friends who may be able to help.
The next morning, both halves of the party are re-united. Oghren and Sabretooth relay their information regarding the innkeeper to the rest of the party, but the morning is dominated by some panic with the realization that their three prisoners have died during the night and from causes unknown. The party can see that the people going to market are staring. Despite this realization they cannot come to immediate agreement about what happened to their prisoners or what should be done with them now.
After some discussion, the party makes for the town of Woodbye with the bodies stored under blankets on mule back. Once in Woodbye, Budokai remembers an old farmer who once helped him by burying other inconveniently deceased persons. The farmer consents for the usual fee as they rest near the widely touted Magical Pool of Woodbye. Quin's growing unease is palpable.
From Woodbye the party continues west to the wall and through it to Collonia beyond, stopping not at all in the Scarlet Hood's old stomping grounds and resting only once that they are safely in the town of Haven. There they set in for the night, albeit uncomfortably, in the common room of the Church of the Holy Defender. The party makes makes small talk with their host and learns that he was once a man of violence named Randal. He was converted late in life to a peaceful and quiet existence helping poor travelers and has found purpose greater than his days swinging a sword. He warns Sabretooth that a life of death and misery might have costs greater than that which can be born, even by one such as him.
Oghren inquires as to the odd name of the church and the holy man points to a gleaming symbol upon the altar. With the help of the Dwarves of Dun Oromir, he says, he melted his Holy Avenger down and had it reforged into the symbol before them. This he did to renounce the way of the sword. The party is silent, but by morning, Mai makes a large donation to the church and gains a blessing from the good Fr. Aljero.
The next several days travel takes them through towns and holdings alike, resting where appropriate. In one locale, a restful night turns to a sour morning as their host has some suspicions regarding Quin and the host's own wife. The party learns that during the night Quin asked for a bath and was attended to by the proprietor's spouse. Said spouse then propositioned Quin repeatedly who honorably rebuffed her advances. She eventually gave up, but apparently not without telling her spouse that other things were afoot. The alleged affair casts an unethusiastic pall over the breakfast that was prepared for them.
In another locale, before leaving the comfort of one Baron's keep, they are set on by a slip of a girl asking for alms. Each of the party members parts with a coin or two and Mai notes with some amusement that the girl has repaid their kindness by pickpocketing each in turn. Mai says nothing to notify her companions, but Quin also catches the waif and demands the return of the coin. The party is amazed by both her cheek and her haul.
Out of fear of being turned over, the girl relates to her would be victims that she is the daughter of the self same nobleman and not quite so young as she first appears. Mai offers to take her on as a Bravo to avoid embarrassing her father further. The party warily agrees if only the girl swears an oath to steal no more from them. Retrieving her things, she accompanies them to Wanderhalt.
Finally, in Wanderhalt the party is recognized by the tokens that a few of them wear that identify them as heroes of the battle the previous Spring. Horns trumpet their arrival and they are well received by the King of Collonia himself -- Rigelson II. The King all too eagerly, and over the loud objection of his chamberlain, dismisses his day's appointments in favor of going hunting with old friends. The hunt is followed by a great meal and the party shares their plans to cut south from the city in search of the fallen star and its fortune. The King admits that he loved life much sweeter when he was but the Scarlett Hood. The crown is a heavy burden he admits, and one fraught with daily contact of the sorts of people he dislikes most. After thrice telling twice told tales, in the Kings spacious apartments, the party members each drift off to sleep, well sated from their hunt and warmed to the soul by spiced wine.
Quotes of the Day:
"I have seen this before. Our people are sometimes forced to take prisoners from the goblin hordes which plague us and our mining. Sometimes when prisoners are bound tightly and remain motionless for long periods of time, their bloodflow and breathing can be constrained in such a way that... a swifty struck hammer blow to the head will kill them."
"I've changed my mind about the biscuits."The Haul:
Fifty platinum pieces each.The Books:
Two heavily buttered biscuits each
An apparently magical pouch full of hundreds of gold coins
A gaudy gold chain complete with a poorly inscribed and illegible seal
2475 xp each
1000 xp bonus to Enzo, character of choice
*edited to change thirty to fifty platinum pieces 2/25
*edited to change Sabertooth to Sabretooth 2/27
that wa 50 platinum pieces each. ancient ones to boot. BTW i did not take any biscuts.
ReplyDeleteOkay Billy, 10 xp for commenting. Another 100 xp for the correction. Character of choice. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteIt is spelt Sabretooth, not Sabertooth.
ReplyDeleteOkay, Matty.
ReplyDeleteCorrection will be made. 1100 xp for registering and correction. Character of choice.