After being feasted and celebrated by the people of New Farrun, the party finds respect for the curious inky wine of that people. They are each given sets of silk pajamas, a blue steel dagger with mother of pearl inlaid grips, and a nautically themed item of jewelry.
Patrick refuses any gifts in lieu of spending several days locked into a room with a penitent curate who seeks more information about the ecclesiology of the church of Westrun.
This rewards do not slake their thirst for loot, so the party purposes to look for the lair of the beast they slew. Once again using the enchanted water-breathing shell, the party ventures back into the deep. Beleg announces to the party that he has the ability to find silver. Mai says she can do the same with magically enchanted items. The journey takes some twelve hours of searching spread across two days, but they come at last to a submerged reef. Just as they approach, the party is pulled off its feet by some sort of netted snare.
When they recover, they find themselves in the company of the Children of Sashelas -- elves who appear to have gills and webbed fingers. Mai, half-elven songstress, recognizes the name of Sashelas as one of the Sedarine of old.
The Children of Sashelas are led by Sazoralan, captain of a war party in search of an evil creature. They have journeyed three days by mount to track a beast which matches the description of the party's tentacled former foe. When the party parleys successfully through Mai, the Children of Sashelas are relieved to discover that the beast is dead. Sazoralan agrees to allow the party to enter a lair they have claimed to remove an item in reward for their labors.
The items taken include a turquoise jewel, a pearl, a curious statue of a dancing elephant sporting a broken tusk, a bizarre eye sculpture set with a ruby, a shrunken human head with crystals for eyes, a crystal decanter and a single platinum piece -- this latter piece Budokai agrees to hold for his intrepid manservant.
The party makes several attempts to establish enduring trade routes with the Sea Elves, who seem little interested in commerce. They explain that they are scavengers and pillagers who take what they find as gifts from the surface world. They raid and make war upon the Sea Devils to help sustain themselves and aren't much for carrying goods across distances just to sell them. The party invites Sazoralan to New Farrun, but while he expresses an interest in seeing the Mines of Dwarves that he has heard in song, he is still too far from his much warmer home. He tells the party that should they ever come to the Island of the Tortoise, in the south, he will be glad to converse with them again.
The party again attempts to make some overture of commerce and Sazoralan finally relents, making a gift of a blue steel trident which has been in his family for three generations. Beleg returns the favor by handing him an axe of quality made at his forge in Bolden. The trident is a gift for great warriors who were able to slay such a fell creature as the many eyed, many tentacled beast. The Sea Elf admits that it entertains him to think of the Dwarf with the trident and that entertainment value alone is worth the apparent disparity in trade. The Children of Sashelas scoop up the rest of the beasts possessions in their netted bags and make all due haste for the South.
The party puts aside their commercial dreams and heads for shore. They aren't a half hour from this meeting, however, when they are set upon by fifty Sea Devils -- infantry backed by archers and further aided by a school of tiger sharks and two giant megalodons. Mai's magic makes short work of the Sea Devils infantry. The sharks and megalodons appear unwilling to enter the sphere of airy water projected by the Magical Shell and suddenly seem to obey the mental command of Beleg to disperse. The Sea Devil archers fall back.
When the party breaks water the remaining Sea Devils set upon them with curious short swords and nets. The nets serve to pull party members off their feet and out into the deep with alarming speed. Most of the party avoids this fate with handy blade work, but Sabretooth isn't so fortunate. He is dragged a half mile deeper out to sea before he can secure his own release and is promptly chewed on by one of the Megalodons. After slaying it, more from the inside than out, he finds himself half swallowed by the second, but makes even shorter work of that.
Meanwhile on shore, the martial prowess of Quin, the fire-based spell of Mai, and the uncanny leaping ability of Budokai the Aged have slain the Sea Devil prince and put his minions to flight. After several minutes, the party is reunited, wet, cold and bloody in the pounding surf. They return to the warm hearths of New Farrun where the populace is only too eager to hear tales of their latest exploits.
After five days of rest, relaxation and general wound-tending, the party is approached by a man who claims to be purser aboard a Provincial trader and given a sad tale of woe regarding his daughter and a pirate prince of Free City. The party is conflicted about their next course of action and a rift threatens over aiding the innocent or pursuing untold personal wealth in areas elsewhere.
*edited to replace Samantha with Patrick 2/18
*edited to replace Sabertooth with Sabretooth 2/27
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