My sleep has been interrupted of late with dreams of my missing girls. My have they grown! Chafika would have been 12, I think. Nada only 10 when they were taken from me. In these dreams they are grown women now.
I see them across a great marketplace swirling with commerce and I call out to them, but they do not hear me. There is too much between me and them, by the time I reach where they were, they are gone -- lost to me again.
I take comfort that at least they are together, and in the company of one who seems strong... and noble. These dreams are so much nicer than the ones which plagued me for the last ten years. I take it as a sign that they are well-protected and in good company.
When I arrive in Istada with my herd, I shall make an offering to Al Kalb the Steadfast for their continued protection.
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