After being feasted and celebrated in Merrydale, the party set out for destinations East. They bid their grateful hosts goodbye at the Old Coast Road and fell in with a passing caravan.
Two men-at-arms responsible for guarding the caravan were grateful for the company of knights. The itinerant half-orc priest traveling with them made fast acquaintance with the Paladin Brumbar and the half-orc knight Deathstroke.
In a few days of travel they arrived in the last human habitation in the Provinces. Laster Shores is a coastal town on the edge of the Great Sea. Three of the caravan's steppe ponies were ill with hoof rot and the party expected to stay over in Laster Shores for a few days.
At the King's Ransom, a high-priced establishment in the center of the city, the party stabled their mounts and arranged for dinner and rooms. It wasn't long before they made contact with Perry of Saklan and Myla Halfelven. The former was holding court and spinning fantastical tales to any who would listen. The latter was disguised as a serving wench.
Perry advised that he was looking for odd jobs after narrowly escaping with his life from Lord Zerai's keep. He said he was a foreigner in the parts and happy to get anything that would pay for his expensive gambling habit. He could use some help, he advised, and if Snow and company were willing to help him out, he was willing to split the considerable reward he was promised -- 10,000 crowns on a writ by the noblewoman Ana Ames.
As for Myla, she was in Laster Shores assuming the identity of Harmony, a serving wench. She left Free City after receiving word that her twin sister was in the area searching for their long-lost father. She also wanted Brumbar and company's help, she said, and would speak to them later about how.
The two adventures were inextricably linked, as fortune would have it, but the direct connection was not made until later.
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