As the party continues to track the blue-eyed man through the ancient past, it comes upon a wooden palisade built at the base of a large hill. Behind it stand the simple huts and mud hall of someone calling himself, a Prince. This is Halia -- a tradepost of sorts and its small borders are protected by a old man who inherited the land from his grandfather. Haldon's family has been in control of this province since its former Vyrum owner, Lord Kirios, was taken away in chains by the Titans.
The party meets two spearman of this time, Rolf and Mara, also enroute to Halia to trade what they can for survival. There they find that the "prince" has a job for any who would like it. It seems his hereditary estate has been overrun by an urok named, Greatjaw Hordekeeper. That was bad enough, but now Greatjaw wants regular tribute to keep from destroying their new home, as well. Greatjaw must be destroyed. If the party can prove that they are capable of this great task, he will make them wealthy in silver, steel or Vyrum heirlooms -- their choice. He will also tell him what he can of the blue-eyed man.
The newcomer Mara volunteers and while shield maidens are not unknown, Haldon will not pay her requested deposit unless she can prove herself in battle. He appoints one of his men-at-arms to humble her. Mara slays him grotesquely in single combat. The party is shocked by the brutality and barbarity of this age, which exceeds even that of their own. Having won the contract, however, they prepare to set out on the prince's mission.
It is three days to the Twin Towers, a stone edifice stradding a river with a waterfall at its base. It is built so as to watch over the surrounding countryside. They defeat orc patrols and find themselves the guest of a wizened Halfling named Dalfo, beneath a grove of trees not far from the Twin Towers.
Dalfo tells the party that the towers are ancient and a vestige of the Vyrum Lord Kirios who was banished from the realm by the Titans. He was the gardener of Kirios and knew only that humans moved in, followed by the Urok. He admits that Kirios had items of great power, but was also insane. The towers might be cursed, because the first of the humans to take hold of them was Haldir, who quickly became like a king to this area, but then savagely murdered all his companions and subjects, and died alone.
The party is joined by Aya, also a guest of Dalfo. She is a mysterious witch from a distant place. She claims to be a representative of the College of Nystul. While she wears his robes, she also wears antlers on her head. She says that she has critical business in the hereditary estate here in the Province of Halia. She seeks some artifact in order to prevent a great calamity of evil in the future. The exact nature of it is unknown to her, only that it is a ruby encased in amber and might be known as the Eye of Haldir, the Ancient Eye or the Eye of Vecna.
Mara was the one who killed the man-at-arms, and it was bloodsport for the Haldon to give the party a deposit. Bloodsport gone wrong...