In the uneasy calm following the Guild War, the city watch was arresting those who carried weapons in the streets. Brumbar and Snow took shelter and succor from Fr. Thomas. For her part, the rescued Lady Geldorf refused to return to the castle under which she was imprisoned. Instead, she also took shelter while contemplating what courses of action were open to her -- a disgraced woman of good breeding.
Fr. Thomas runs the Beggar's Banquet, a charity enterprise in the city of Bolden. As his guests, Brumbar and Snow were met with the Paladin Apollo and that holy knight's runaway half-breed companion -- an impulsive and violent creature calling himself Deathstroke. As long as the party was staying with Fr. Thomas, the priest begged them to investigate strange thumpings coming from the cellar beneath his building. Bolden is well known for its extensive catacombs and having some experience there, the party agreed to help.
The cellar boasted an old door and a hidden stairwell which when smashed open revealed the bedraggled form of a man who claimed to have been wandering in the dark for weeks. He said that the stairwell led down to a series of chambers and hallways which contain many dangers but most of all, two giant-sized rubies which he greatly desired.
The party descended into the darkness following the impetuous nature of the half-breed warrior. After encountering and surviving numerous dangers, they came at last into contact with a party of dwarves who had already cleared most of the complex. The dwarves agreed to trade coins for the found rubies and the party departed the complex. Once out, they decided to wall up the old door in the basement of the Beggar's Banquet.
They then learned that Lady Geldorf had decided to enter life as a Sacred Sister and leave her Lord husband to his new intended bride. But first she desired to have her honor redeemed, for many rumors abounded about her infidelity and the supposed abandonment of her marriage vows. Brumbar agreed to champion her cause and went to court hoping to provoke an insult he might use to fight for the Lady's honor.
Meanwhile, Snow discovered the whereabouts of Thalwyn and the hidden identity of the head of the Baker's Crime Syndicate. It turned out that Thalwyn has been rendered a stone statue decorating the treasury of the King. The head of the Bakers was none other than the King's chancellor of the Treasury.
Back at court, the desired insult was lodged and Brumbar used that pretext to accuse the Prince of lying and bigamy. When the King of Bolden took notice of the furor in his court, a duel was held between Brumbar and the Prince's own champion, Sir Arak the Savage. When the Paladin proved victorious against his foe, the Lady Geldorf was vindicated and her husband the Prince was sent away to Peakshadow to stay with relatives.
Thalwyn was released to the custody of his friends. The King of Bolden sought to spare himself the embarrassment of his son's actions and rewarded Brumbar with a lordship in the Northern Marches of his Kingdom. The Lady Geldorf was granted her divorce to enter clerical life as a Sacred Sister. After taking her vows, she pledged herself to Brumbar as his chaplain and companion. She was ever after known as Hannah.
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