By the pronouncement of the King of Bolden, Sir Brumbar, was elevated to the status of a noble and appointed the Baron of Haller and given the keys to Hallerhall itself. In the court of the king, this pronouncement was met with no little stirring among the assembled nobles. Here and there snorts of laughter could be heard along with the clearing of throats.
To help Brumbar administer his new holding, the king turned over to him one of his most trusted administrators, a learned man named Skeeve.
Later, in private, Skeeve mused to Brumbar that the two of them were equally hated by the king as Haller was well known to be a cursed land which had put to death the last six lords which had investiture there.
In addition to this ominous news came a meeting with an Eastrun Noble and attendant of the King's court named Kires. Lord Kires warned that not only was the land of Haller in ruin and cursed, but Hallerhall itself was haunted by a malevolence which had grown more powerful by swallowing the last six lords and their retinues, no doubt adding their powers to its own. Nevertheless, Lord Kires said that he was greatly impressed with Brumbars actions on behalf of the late Lady Geldorf and would agree to help clear the land and conquer the castle if that was something Brumbar wished to do.
Brumbar thanked him, but said that taming the province of Haller would have to wait until his return from Eastrun and his goal of finding and defeating Vecna. That same day, the party departed by hired ship from the port of Bolden across the Dagger Sea to the Provinces.
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