Upon arriving in Bolden, Brumbar checked in with the church while Snow sought what information he could from more seedy sources. Information about Thalwyn was hard to come by, however. All Brumbar learned about was the local scandal of the Prince seeking a second marriage to a part-elven mistress. While, Snow learned that the men of Bolden do not part with information easily. He was forced to take work as a hired sword -- the better to learn the city and its environs.
At the time, for a swordsman in Bolden there were only two guilds to join -- either the Villains or the Bastards. The tattooed mercenaries known as the Villains extended him a conditional invitation to join. In order to be accepted in their number he was tasked with stealing the banner of the King's Watch from under their noses and then returning it the very next day. He managed to achieve both in record time.
As a "Villain" he was able to hire on collecting and guarding cash deposits from various businesses throughout the city. When his collection crew was ambushed by curiously powerful brigands, Brumbar swept in to help. Together they defeated the brigands soundly. It was then that they discovered their opponents to be no normal thieves. Rather this band were wererats in tight competition with a local criminal organization nicknamed "The Bakers". Hearing of this success against the wererats, The Bakers hired the two adventurers to root out the remaining competition.
The resulting adventure brought them into contact with a wizard expelled from the College of Serten and a retired member of "The Bakers" guild known as Uncle Cris. Together this party descended into the vast underground catacombs of Bolden. While beneath the streets of Bolden they accidented upon the imprisoned Lady Geldorf, whose husband was seeking a new wife.
After stumbling through the dark and making short work of whatever rats and wererats they could find, the party eventually came into contact with the monstrous deity of those foul creatures, and slew it. Killing their deity had the unintended consequences of cleansing the city of the remaining rat population. The party emerged from the catacombs battle weary only to discover they had inadvertently triggered a war between the Villains and the Bastards.
The battle was long and hard fought. Street to street the two private armies fought until their numbers were greatly depleted and the cobblestones of main street were awash in blood. Finally, a company of the Kings men swept in and put the remaining combatants to the sword. The Battle of Two Guilds was over.
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