Dearest Emi,
I know your anger will be burning bright when you take this letter to Father Henstre and have it read. I hope that when the terrible heat of it has died, though, you will find a way to turn it to the warmth of lasting love.
I have left this morning to go with Sir Brumbar and his companions. I am to be his page and perhaps one day, his squire. From there he has promised to make me a gentleman and a knight in my own right. I will return to your side as Sir Jym!
I know you say that a mason's trade is a good one, but as a serf bound to our baron's land there is no hope for our children. I abscond in the middle of the night to find a better life for me, for you, and for the many children I hope to give you.
Keep this strand of flowers I have woven. Were I a man of means I would have something more substantial to give you my pledge. Nevertheless, I will replace it with a crown of gold when I return.
All my love,
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