A Letter of Greeting to Choon Yi, sometimes called Snow, Baron of Sewendia in Rath;
from his lordship Haldemar Grymbalde, Baron of Jasmia in Menea, Lord Exemplar of the Knights of Daleria, Guardian of the Ebon Citadel and bearer of the Frostworn Blade.
My lord, I have the honor of writing you on the occasion of your investiture to the Baron of Sewendia. I fear that your recent honors will come to naught and that the good folk of that province will soon be looking for a new baron to lead them in the eyes of God and man.
Make haste to meet me and bring your pitiful band of assassins with you. Justice awaits those who spill the blood of noblemen with impunity, and I mean to have justice. You will not find me so easy to take as my peers. Leopold was a heavy blow, I admit -- he was as a son to me and like you, newly minted. As for the others, they will be replaced when your heads are on a pike.
May you find mercy in the hereafter, for you will find none here.
I think you left off the part where he explained his wall of swords that he obtained from murdering hobos that he met on the field of combat and slew.