Inside the Bawdy Rose was a apparently-mute man by himself. The bartender and the scantily clad songstress were hiding; all other customers had fled the scene. While the party was looking for a gnome, they were well-acquainted with magic that changed appearance and did not feel fooled by the tall human with bushy hair.
Suddenly, an attack!
It was brief, but furious. The combined might of the party made short work of the creature who did not fall to the ground when slain, but instead became like a cloud of vapor that drifted away on the wind. Its unsatisfying demise convinced the more experienced Snow that the undead was still animate, but seeking its resting place, so a small contingent of the party decided to proceed back into the graveyard to enter the catacombs beyond the excavated grave. This honor fell to Snow and Fenris plus Knu and Titanus. The remainder of the adventurers decided to fan out through the neighborhood to listen for sounds of inappropriate laughter.
Once at their destination, the contingent discovered that the catacombs had been well-visited in their absence. Here and there dead bodies were found -- all with stab wounds. Signs of scuffle and struggle were evident. Each of the unmolested crypts had been broken open and rifled through. The pool was filled with the same gold objects: a bar, two coins and a small ball. But there were also others now, including: scores more of coins, a lantern, a coil of rope, and a vial. Not to mention there were six more goldfish than when the party left.
Pressing past all evidence of trespass, they assembled in front of the main crypt which remained closed. Positioning themselves ready to stab the occupant Titanus and Snow were in front, while Fenris nocked an arrow and Knu made ready to throw open the container. The silver bar which had been found in the dead body orginally was held in Titanus' off-hand. Snow prepared for the coming battle by using a variety of enchantments.
When the crypt was finally opened, the form of a young gnome was found therein. It's arms were crossed in front of its chest and it was completely naked, save for the strange smile that adorned its face. Upon seeing the smile, even before the readied warriors could attack, they felt a wave of mirth pass over them. The first round of attacks sword/arrow attacks appeared to do damage, but the silver bar glanced off the gnomes chest as though it were made of stone.
The second round went to Snow alone, as Titanus and Fenris were doubled over in uncontrollable laughter, and Knu began choking Titanus in an effort to render him unconscious in hopes that the laughing would stop. Meanwhile, with a sword in each hand, Snow hacked away at the creature, again turning it to vapor. When the gas began to settle and take shape, he again slashed away at its coalescing form.
The enchantment of his sword of wounding was able to carry the day. For through its peculiar magic no damage dealt can be regenerated. Six times the creature was slain and five times it came back again. Until, at last, it became as dust in the bottom of its stone coffin.
Afterwards, a spell of disenchantment cast by Snow on each of his laughing comrades ended their mortal danger. Creature slain and party saved, all that remained was to search for loot, which was discovered at the rear of the gnome crypt.
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