By applying the combined curative faculties of the Paladin, the Cleric and the Monk; the party managed to save Sir Apollo from certain death. Resigned to leaving their friend Tathlan in the pool for the time being, they retired to Rath to plan their next move. After ascending the crypt stairs, the party clambered from the grave and made their way toward the Inn of the Hammer and Nail. But as they neared their destination, the party heard laughter that sent a chill up their spines.
The sound was coming from the Steaming Mug across the street, and seemed too familiar to what had recently befallen Apollo to be concidence. In the Mug they found a portly proprietor drawing his last breath after literally laughing himself to death. The family was distraught and could only relay that their father often stood in the stoop of his establishment and called to passers by in order to drum up business. This afternoon had been no different, save that suddenly he staggered back into the establishment chuckling. Those chuckles turned to laughter and then to uncontrollable guffaws which left him in paroxysms of pain.
That night the party found fitful sleep in the house of their host. They discovered that the only other guest was a "foreign princeling" who did not speak. Strangely attired, the princeling matched the description of a gnome; and as gnomes are rarely seen in Rath, the party became convinced that this second coincidence was also too great. Also, their host seemed to be recently afflicted with some sort of clumsiness, which seemed to increase with the passing minutes. Certain of the presence of great evil, the Paladins set about to confront it.
Busting into the princelings room, the party found it empty. Upon entering the room next door, they saw a globe of light which soared out an open window. The party gave pursuit through the streets of Rath and followed the globe until it came to rest in the darkened interior of the Bawdy Rose -- a pub which boasted live entertainment.
Sir Apollo made entrance in grand style and began demanding answers of all inside. Soon only four people remained, plus the proprietor and the buxom lass on stage. Three of the four said they had no interest in answering the questions of the holy knight, but the fourth seemed utterly incapable of speaking.
All the party readied themselves to attack...
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