Leaving the court of King Larcus, the three adventurers (Snow, Knu and Titanus) came across some of the city watchmen carrying a spasming body. The unfortunate appeared to be wracked with laughter, and just as he was brought abreast of them, expired.
The watchmen dropped the body unceremoniously and advised that this was the twelfth person they had known to die this way. They say that they were ordered to bring the next person they could find suffering to the magister for examination. Just then, they were joined by Magister Antonius.
Antonius bent over the body with a strange glass disc in his hand. When he had made a full examination of the deceased he bid the body be turned over and examined it again. Next, he checked every orifice.
"This is no disease," Antonius declared. "I believe it to be more akin to a curse. Something thoroughly evil has unleashed it upon the innocents of Rath."
When the party inquired where something like that might be hiding, Antonius speculated that it might be born of the Labyrinth of Abu Adon. The watchmen said that the deceased man was carried from Preston Street. He was a retired adventurer who had earned his knighthood on the field of battle and lost it gambling in the slums of Rath. A degenerate to be sure, but he was a stout man and survivor of many battles. Laughter should not have brought him low.
The party proceeded to Preston Street and found themselves outside of the Bawdy Rose where a commotion was heard inside.
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