In my former letter, I wrote of Crustis the Reef Giant and his introduction at court. In this I speak of Nan Fung Lee Mai and her retinue and all that they suffered before the King of the Reef People. It is a tale I heard from reliable sources and I wrote it almost immediately after the events that transpired.
Crustis of the Sea People
I will never forget that fateful day during the monsoon season. It was the kind of day that looms large in a man’s memory. The sort of day that makes one realize that Erenth is a much larger place and home to many more creatures than most can imagine.
The Terror South
An excerpt from the Tale of Five Terrors
as told by Will of Jaehn.
After traveling 22 days the party comes to the point at which the southern servant to Bouzir says the party should make contact with the Terror in 6 hours time.
as told by Will of Jaehn.
After traveling 22 days the party comes to the point at which the southern servant to Bouzir says the party should make contact with the Terror in 6 hours time.
The Skeleton Way
After reuniting with the caravan and curing the hobbled pony, the party sent the caravan on alone while they investigated a massive footprint of a humanoid which they estimated to have been over one hundred feet tall. The trail of said humanoid, while very old, went into the sparse forest and perhaps accounted some strange features they saw from the air.
Getting a Clue
With Rensen, the pregnant concubine safely returned to Chidak the Daizu chieftain, the party set out once again for the City/State of Chiro. Along the way, Snow's new armor became a matter of some intrigue. As an expensive and well-crafted suit of leather it conferred excellent protection, it was also noticed by every thieving heart. Most of which also tried to make it their own -- even when the attempt was clearly ill-fated.
The Way of the Sword
Having resolved issues in Laster Shores, the party was made aware of a kidnapping and went to investigate. Apparently, a visiting dignitary was carried off by persons unknown. That dignitary was none other than Rensa, the concubine of a wealthy and ruthless Daizu Wang. The Wang, Chidak of the Red Dawn Tribe, had a reputation as a remorseless and indefatigable enemy. For that reason, the local priest, Shepherd Hutan, thought it best for Laster Shores if the ire of such a one did not get kindled against the town -- which he would surely hold responsible.
c:Laster Shores,
Chidak of the Red Dawn,
Rensa the Concubine,
Kiss Kiss Stab Stab
After being feasted and celebrated in Merrydale, the party set out for destinations East. They bid their grateful hosts goodbye at the Old Coast Road and fell in with a passing caravan.
Two men-at-arms responsible for guarding the caravan were grateful for the company of knights. The itinerant half-orc priest traveling with them made fast acquaintance with the Paladin Brumbar and the half-orc knight Deathstroke.
Two men-at-arms responsible for guarding the caravan were grateful for the company of knights. The itinerant half-orc priest traveling with them made fast acquaintance with the Paladin Brumbar and the half-orc knight Deathstroke.
c:Laster Shores,
Myla Halfelven,
Perry of Saklan,
Briefly: From the Library of Samantha Rose
Dear Diary,
I have not trusted a man since I was 13 and the old herbalist tried to have his way with me. Instead, I have dedicated myself to the arcane arts and to Drawmij my master. I have attempted to master the old knowledge -- to bend matter, energy and time to my will. So it is strange indeed that these last few days I have felt powerless over something as insignificant as my heart.
I have not trusted a man since I was 13 and the old herbalist tried to have his way with me. Instead, I have dedicated myself to the arcane arts and to Drawmij my master. I have attempted to master the old knowledge -- to bend matter, energy and time to my will. So it is strange indeed that these last few days I have felt powerless over something as insignificant as my heart.
Briefly: From the Journal of Sheikh Fadal
My sleep has been interrupted of late with dreams of my missing girls. My have they grown! Chafika would have been 12, I think. Nada only 10 when they were taken from me. In these dreams they are grown women now.
The Red and the White
Brumbar arrived in Merrydale and made contact with Marjon the Druid who was horrified to find that the artifact had been removed from where it was hidden. He advised the Paladin to return it at once to its secret garden. There it was generally safe from scrying eyes. An item as powerful as it was sure to attract unwanted attention.
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