The Talisman of Pure Good: Part 1
While crossing from the Greywood through Balduren and back into Treft, the party comes across a speechless priest. It seems a prophecy was foretold that a party of that composition would be seen on the road, and when it was, it was to be conducted to the Prefect at Laketon.
Behind Blue Eyes part 16: The Greywood
Leading an entire party into the modern redoubt of Falerian is costly for Talanth. His master ejects him from the school and bars him from every returning. Falerian also warns the party that a great evil is among them and spying on their every move. After a brief rest, the party leaves the Greywood and Talanth must dwell on the fact that he is a Hedge Wizard now... a lawless spellcaster... a witch and subject to prosecution should he be caught.
Behind Blue Eyes part 15: Ascending the Mountain
Once ashore in what would one day be called the Provinces, the party encountered giants who were scared off by Aya the wizard flinging fireballs. One of the Northrun sailors, is so impressed by her that he pledges his life to protect her.
Behind Blue Eyes part 14: Corl the Squire
Less than a day from the seaside village, the party found itself followed by a teen named Corl. He sought to join himself to the party. He had spied their handiwork and as he himself was banished from the village and forced to live off its refuse, he sought to squire for one of them and learn his way in the world as a knight.
Behind Blue Eyes part 13: The Sea Elves and their Shark God
As the party journeyed northward along the Dagger Sea, they came upon a seaside village built on stilts, just out of the water line.
The people had an elvish aspect, but with silver-green skin and hair that reminded the party of seaweed.
Behind Blue Eyes part 12: Vecna's Deceit
On the beach, now some two days South of the redoubt of Vecna, the party decides once and for all to dispatch the other worldly creature. This they do after combat brief and not altogether honorable. The creature disappears from this plane in a brilliant explosive flash, sending pieces of the cage as high speed shrapnel, and nearly drowning a party member.
Behind Blue Eyes part 11: Vecna's Secret Weapon
The end of the Battle of the Black Princes reveals Vecna's secret weapon. It is an other-worldly being trapped in a magical cage and pushed along in a giant wheeled cart by 50 Urok adepts.
Behind Blue Eyes part 10: The Boldish
The cleric and players are at crossroads. After a few days in a swamp and narrowly missing encounters with the catoblepas, the party seeks a sign from Onogg's god who leaves them with cryptic answers to the question of whether to assist Peter or the Dwarves.
Behind Blue Eyes part 8: Peter Heimos
"I am Peter," the Blue-Eyed Man, introduces himself. "I have come all this way to make right all that has gone wrong. Shall I tell you a story?"
Behind Blue Eyes part 7: The Rape of Ranay
Both the lord and the men of Halia are very encouraged by the apparent defeat of Greatjaw the Urok. Among Lord Haldon's family, just one nephew seems ill at ease. This is Aranel, son of Araya of the Forest. For undisclosed reasons, he agrees to help the party track the Blue-Eyed Man. The party is two weeks behind, but the nephew of Haldon (rumored to be his bastard son) claims that his mother, a woman of the forest, will be able to help them make up for lost time.
Behind Blue Eyes part 6: The Towers of the Vyrum
Dalfo the halfing tells the party of little known door located behind a waterfall at the rear of the towers. This passage was used to take supplies into the redoubt and while it was heavily guarded, might be unknown to the Urok occupiers.
Behind Blue Eyes part 5: Haldon the Prince
As the party continues to track the blue-eyed man through the ancient past, it comes upon a wooden palisade built at the base of a large hill. Behind it stand the simple huts and mud hall of someone calling himself, a Prince. This is Halia -- a tradepost of sorts and its small borders are protected by a old man who inherited the land from his grandfather. Haldon's family has been in control of this province since its former Vyrum owner, Lord Kirios, was taken away in chains by the Titans.
Behind Blue Eyes part 4: The Wondrous Woman.
After leaving Treft and while traveling north after their quarry the party met a pair of men, seemingly spying on a curious and beautiful woman. She was alone among a herd of deer and dressed in clothing seeming made from plants and festooned with flowers. Despite her uncommon beauty, she was unkempt with bits of leaf and twig in her golden hair. Her voice was soft and melodic, but clear as a ringing bell. She seemed to speak in song and found most things the party had to say as mere silliness or common child's play. About the men spying on her, she found the most amusement, and then with a magical quickness seemed to depart.
Behind Blue Eyes part 3: The Past
Traveling after the blue-eyed man, the party passes into a great mist and finds themselves in the distant past. This is still Erenth, and still Westrun, but the Eight Kingdoms have not yet come to be. This is the world just after the fall of the Vyrum Empire. The human cities that the party has come to know don't exist, yet. Most men live in roaming tribes, or behind palisades of wood, seeking out whatever strong men they may muster to call their leaders.
Horace the Holy,
Pate the Mighty,
Behind Blue Eyes part 2: The Prisoner
The blue-eyed man explains to the party that he is a prisoner of that place and has been for centuries. During the time of his imprisonment, he has come to see the error of his ways. Now he only wants out to make things right. He wonders if someone in the party might take his place. By so doing, he can leave and try to fix everything he ever did wrong.
Horace the Holy,
Pate the Mighty,
Behind Blue Eyes part 1: The Tower
After saving the daughter of Damaskos, A party of adventurers arrives in the Town of Tourville in the Kingdom of Treft. They are there coincidentally for an annual contest of regional youth.
Horace the Holy,
Pate the Mighty,
Leaving the Khard part 2
"Sooner or later we are going to have to fight this thing," whispered Brumbar.
Snow took no such precautions. In normal tones he said, "I calculate that we can be here for sixteen hours before the spell breaks."
"Where is here?" asked Brumbar, still whispering, and looking around.
Saeed the Drover,
Sir Rojer the Black,
Leaving the Khard part 1
I can't decide what I like least," Snow offered, sneaking a glance at the withering noonday sun.
Shepherd Brendan looked at him, interested.
Brumbar only grunted and scowled, but then again, the knight had been grunting and scowling for days.
The drover, Saeed, on the other hand, ignored the lot of them. He was the only Southruner in the group and he seemed unaffected by the heat.
Snow continued his complaint, "I can't decide whether it is the sand in my boots or the glare in my eyes."
I can't decide what I like least," Snow offered, sneaking a glance at the withering noonday sun.
Shepherd Brendan looked at him, interested.
Brumbar only grunted and scowled, but then again, the knight had been grunting and scowling for days.
The drover, Saeed, on the other hand, ignored the lot of them. He was the only Southruner in the group and he seemed unaffected by the heat.
Snow continued his complaint, "I can't decide whether it is the sand in my boots or the glare in my eyes."
Saeed the Drover,
Sir Rojer the Black,
Graverobbers of Bylos part 4
The Satrap leaned back and swirled his steaming black wine in its golden bowl. "So you say."
Graverobbers of Bylos part 3
"You know what I hate?" asked Rojer of anyone who would listen.
Snow and Brumbar ignored his grumbling, but the two men lent to the company by the Emir of Bylos did not. Instead, they jabbered at him in dahlese and covered their lips with a finger.
Snow interpreted. "They say that we should talk less because this is a place for the sleeping dead."
Rojer clapped his hands together and the sound of it echoed in the crypt. "Exactly! I hate that every time I seem to get some coin in my pocket, I end up with you two in some place forsaken by man and gods alike and trafficking among the dead."
Snow and Brumbar ignored his grumbling, but the two men lent to the company by the Emir of Bylos did not. Instead, they jabbered at him in dahlese and covered their lips with a finger.
Snow interpreted. "They say that we should talk less because this is a place for the sleeping dead."
Rojer clapped his hands together and the sound of it echoed in the crypt. "Exactly! I hate that every time I seem to get some coin in my pocket, I end up with you two in some place forsaken by man and gods alike and trafficking among the dead."
Grave Robbers of Bylos part 2
"That is my mother's earring!" Nazeer exclaimed, loudly. "She gave the pair to my sister on her death bed."
"Your sister will bring a war, your grandeur." The voice speaking belonged to the vizier in the small court of the Palace of Bylos. He was an old man, bald and lame --leaning upon a staff too long for him. He bent down and spoke quietly.
The emir pursed his lips and settled into thought.
"Your sister will bring a war, your grandeur." The voice speaking belonged to the vizier in the small court of the Palace of Bylos. He was an old man, bald and lame --leaning upon a staff too long for him. He bent down and spoke quietly.
The emir pursed his lips and settled into thought.
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