The Miner's Lament
Daymarch and it's Dragon
This was unusual for one of such a lowly rank; Choon Yi was a minor noble, while His Grace Halinard, the High King of Westrun, usually only treated with Dukes and Kings, like Choon Yi's leige the King of Rath. A letter of introduction does little in such a case, but it grants face time and the opportunity for official acknowledgement which can never hurt. The other petty nobles of Rath are sure to be envious. The King of Rath might be nervous to have one of his bannerman directly in contact with his own leige.
The court of a king is often a boring affair, the court of the High King all the more so, but the day of his introduction at the high court was anything but. The newly walled city of Daymarch was missing its dragon.
The people of that fair place didn't petition their king to drive off the beast, so much as to find out where he'd been. They had been paying the monthly tribute for 60 years and it wasn't like him to not collect. For the last 3 months, the goods they piled outside of the city had sat abandoned on the plains. Pilferers took the coin. Wolves got the sheep. The kegs of wine ended up in many a farmer's cellar. The Lord Mayor's small council was concerned. It seemed wasteful to keep leaving a tax that went uncollected. Yet, to risk a dragon's ire by not paying... that was madness. So, a delegation was sent to the King of Bolden and was refused. They turned then to the High King in the hopes that he would intervene.
Fortunately, Lord Choon and his assorted knights and free riders were on hand when the High King received his news from abroad. The aging monarch looked up and around his court.
"Who will go for me to Daymarch?" he asked.
The courtiers and ladies looked at the floor. House knights and hereditary lords stared quiety. Lord Choon was not like them. He knew it and they knew it. He had earned his title the hard way -- with a sword in one hand and a torch in the other. He had battled foes, killed monsters, and survived traps that would have ended any of these stuffed shirts around him. He bore the scars upon his body.
He stepped forward, "Good King!"
"Yes, worthy lord."
"I will go for you to Daymarch."
The High King smiled and nodded. The other great men assembled breathed a sigh of relief. But the great monarch of all Westrun was not finished with the pageantry of the moment.
He intoned his warning solemnly, "You speak quickly -- there will be dangers."
Choon stood impassive.
The High King continued, "It may mean the end of you, who only so recently became a lord and a member of my court."
Choon felt the eyes upon him and said nothing.
"Will you accept still now, knowing all the dangers?" the High King asked.
Choon repeated evenly, "I will go for you to Daymarch."
The king nodded. "Where is my chamberlain? Where is Garwen?"
A man pushed his way from the wall of the throne room. The way slowly parted for him. He was brown-haired and pale. He wore velvet brocade trimmed in gold.
"I am here, your grace!" said Garwen.
"What can you advise Lord Choon and his retinue, regarding this dragon?" the High King inquired.
"This is a fools undertaking, your Grace, there have been no dragons sighted in Westrun for a century or more. Moreover, these people of Daymarch are simple folk and have likely mistaken some other lizard for an actual dragon. Finally, under the Fourth Law of the Codex ought to be referred to their King, your cousin, who sits on the throne of Bolden. He granted the charter to Daymarch to become a city, he is responsible for their protection."
"Am I not the High King?"
"You are, your Grace. In the matters of dispute between the lesser kings. And, of the Highway and the Northern and Southern walls; and of course over the Free Provinces."
"Does not the Second Law of the Codex also apply?"
"I fail to see how, your Grace," The chamberlain shook his head.
"What did Wald the Lawgiver say?" The High King was a scholar in his own right.
Garwen closed his eyes and quoted from memory, "We acknowledge that the masses have no champion greater than the Prince of Peakshadow, and their mistreatment shall be as an affront to his throne."
The High King inquired. "Am I still the Prince of Peakshadow?"
"You are, your Grace."
Garwen seemed exasperated, "Your Grace, you are affronted that a so-called dragon does not collect his extortion?"
The entire court was enrapt by this discussion, looking from the High King to his chamberlain to the baron who had volunteered and was still standing.
The High King was smiling as he stood with flourish and declared, "Give Lord Choon Yi a letter of introduction to the Lord Mayor of Daymarch. Tell all who inquire that he is to find the dragon, treat with it and determine what will restore the proper order of things in that corner of Bolden. Let it be known that for the masses of people who look to the Prince of Peakshadow to make things right, they will not be disappointed."
The chamberlain bowed low, "As you wish, your Grace."
The Knights of Daleria Part 8: Exemplar of Evil
A Grandfather's Plea part 2: A Wicked Son
A Letter of Greeting to the New Lord of Sewendia
A Letter of Greeting to Choon Yi, sometimes called Snow, Baron of Sewendia in Rath;
from his lordship Haldemar Grymbalde, Baron of Jasmia in Menea, Lord Exemplar of the Knights of Daleria, Guardian of the Ebon Citadel and bearer of the Frostworn Blade.
My lord, I have the honor of writing you on the occasion of your investiture to the Baron of Sewendia. I fear that your recent honors will come to naught and that the good folk of that province will soon be looking for a new baron to lead them in the eyes of God and man.
Make haste to meet me and bring your pitiful band of assassins with you. Justice awaits those who spill the blood of noblemen with impunity, and I mean to have justice. You will not find me so easy to take as my peers. Leopold was a heavy blow, I admit -- he was as a son to me and like you, newly minted. As for the others, they will be replaced when your heads are on a pike.
May you find mercy in the hereafter, for you will find none here.
A Grandfather's Plea part 1
The Sleeping Evil Defeated
Inside the Bawdy Rose was a apparently-mute man by himself. The bartender and the scantily clad songstress were hiding; all other customers had fled the scene. While the party was looking for a gnome, they were well-acquainted with magic that changed appearance and did not feel fooled by the tall human with bushy hair.
Suddenly, an attack!
The Sleeping Evil Confronted (from another angle)
Leaving the court of King Larcus, the three adventurers (Snow, Knu and Titanus) came across some of the city watchmen carrying a spasming body. The unfortunate appeared to be wracked with laughter, and just as he was brought abreast of them, expired.
The watchmen dropped the body unceremoniously and advised that this was the twelfth person they had known to die this way. They say that they were ordered to bring the next person they could find suffering to the magister for examination. Just then, they were joined by Magister Antonius.
Antonius bent over the body with a strange glass disc in his hand. When he had made a full examination of the deceased he bid the body be turned over and examined it again. Next, he checked every orifice.
"This is no disease," Antonius declared. "I believe it to be more akin to a curse. Something thoroughly evil has unleashed it upon the innocents of Rath."
When the party inquired where something like that might be hiding, Antonius speculated that it might be born of the Labyrinth of Abu Adon. The watchmen said that the deceased man was carried from Preston Street. He was a retired adventurer who had earned his knighthood on the field of battle and lost it gambling in the slums of Rath. A degenerate to be sure, but he was a stout man and survivor of many battles. Laughter should not have brought him low.
The party proceeded to Preston Street and found themselves outside of the Bawdy Rose where a commotion was heard inside.
The Investiture of Snow
The court of King Larcus Gregoras of Rath boasts several nobles: dukes, counts and barons alike. In addition, there are baronets without number, dozens of gentlemen and gentlewoman, to say nothing of the house knights, men-at-arms and free lances that are in great supply. The King also has his cabinet arrayed on his right, along with his ministers and the men who serve his lands and estate. On the left side wall are entertainments waiting to be called: a poet, several minstrels, his jesters, and the King's own bard. Arrayed before him are the courtiers, diplomats, claimants and hangers-on who all wish to be see or heard. Also in attendance are Patriach Newson of the Church of Westrun in Rath and Magister Antonius of the College of Melf.
On the docket today are matters which are dispensed with swiftly.
The Sleeping Evil Confronted
By applying the combined curative faculties of the Paladin, the Cleric and the Monk; the party managed to save Sir Apollo from certain death. Resigned to leaving their friend Tathlan in the pool for the time being, they retired to Rath to plan their next move. After ascending the crypt stairs, the party clambered from the grave and made their way toward the Inn of the Hammer and Nail. But as they neared their destination, the party heard laughter that sent a chill up their spines.
The Sleeping Evil Awakened
After forty minutes of excavation at the bottom of the grave, the party unearthed a narrow passage that lead laterally from it. A faint emanation of magic was detected by the wizard, so the party pushed into the subterranean darkness aided by dweomer of light.
An Ambuscade in Rath
Rath is the capital city of the Kingdom of the same name. The party arrived there to resolve the claim of Hakon of Sewendia who wanted to be recognized as the regent of that province. With that in mind, the party split to find lodging and to press toward the city's center, hoping for an audience at court of King Larcus.
Sewendia and the Cave of Peril
The Knights of Daleria Part 6: The Black Hasard
The Hasards are a noble line that goes back twenty generations or more, to the very founding of the Eight Kingdoms. A petty noble, second-cousin to the head of the house, Billings Hasard is known as the Black Hasard. It is his dismal sigil which the party discovers in the recovered papers of the late Baron Leopold.
The Knights of Daleria Part 5: The Temple on the Edge of All Morrows
With Lord Notfelde's goblin host defeated, only a skeleton crew remained behind to defend his manor. The party approached his enclave from three directions. After infiltrating and putting to flight the 25 humans guarding Notfelde's Manor (and making allies of one of them), the party entered into the basement complex beneath his keep. There, the party found a strange room with a pedestal in its center. Atop of the pedestal was a shimmering blue light. The Hedge Wizard Talanth tells the party that he thinks it is a dimensional portal. The first three, and eventually the rest of the party step through the portal and find themselves on the other side.
The Knights of Daleria Part 4: Swan's Nest of Notfelde
After seeing to the revivification of Apollo and the repatriation of his sword, armor and shield from the lying Baron Notfelde; the party's early morning was interrupted by the arrival of two people. One was a priest, Fr. Kapon, newly sent from the Prefect of Rath to be the Shepherd of the Church of Beredall; and the other was Deathstroke, a half-orc knight of some reknown.
Briefly: In Beredia and Beredall a House-breaker Haunts
from his lordship's faithful factor,
Creaf Bloodshone
to all the citizens and serfs of Beredia
including the merchants, tradesmen and yeomen of Beredall.
Be it known by you that a house-breaker haunts the good homes of honest men and steals away by night the greatest of their most precious and prized possessions.
Be it also known, that his lordship,
Baron Nils Notfelde of the House Notfelde-in-Rath
will handsomely reward those who capture said house-breaker and bring him to taste the baron's justice.
Be it likewise known that any who aid in this endeavor will gain the friendship of the baron in perpetuity and that whosoever opposes will earn lasting enmity.
Along with the enormity of his good graces, his lordship will likewise reward all who deserve it, with the kingly sum of,
2000 gold crowns, in cash or writs.
The Knights of Daleria Part 3: The Duel
After many days of felling trees and building a place for the contest, the day of the duel is upon them all. Fenris and a new acquiantance, Erik the Ranger, accompany the paladin, Sir Apollo to the tournament field of Baron Notfelde. The rest of the party remains behind at the Church of Beredall.
The Knights of Daleria Part 2: Lord Notfelde
The Patriarch of the Church of Westrun is rescued from the clutches of the evil Lord Leopold. And he informs the party that he has completed his penitential walkabout of the Eight Kingdoms. He has concluded that a dark evil stalks the land and has infected even the houses of the holy.
The Knights of Daleria Part 1: The Lordly Sir Leopold
The Patriarch has not returned. Father Patrick and the Cardinal Prefects are concerned. His last destination was to go beguile Lord Leopold, a Paladin of reknown from retirement, but the Patriarch did not return. Now the Cardinal Prefects would like the party to find out what became of him.